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 Ortofon 2M Mono Special Edition

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3 participantes
Membro AAP

Mensagens : 2309
Data de inscrição : 17/06/2012

Ortofon 2M Mono Special Edition Empty
MensagemAssunto: Ortofon 2M Mono Special Edition   Ortofon 2M Mono Special Edition EmptySáb Jul 12 2014, 23:15

Ortofon 2M Mono Special Edition

Já mandei vir a minha. Só vem em Setembro mas fica 100 euros mais barata... Ortofon 2M Mono Special Edition 754215 

Nude Shibata como a Ortofon 2M Black, a cadenza Black e a Jubilee...Ortofon 2M Mono Special Edition 693932 

r/R 6/50µm Nude Shibata stylus - the same diamond as on the acclaimed MC Jubilee, 2M Black and Cadenza Black cartridges. Nude Shibata's slim, highly polished profile allows an exceedingly wide contact area to the groove walls and ensures notably detailed reproduction throughout the spectrum, including even the most high frequency groove information.



Please note: The new 2M Mono Special Edition will be available at the same time as The Beatles Mono Box Set is introduced in early September. You can pre-order 2M Mono SE on our shop right now for only € 400,- and save € 99,-.
Your card will not be charged until your order is dispatched early September.

2M Mono SE features:

The cartridge body manufactured from Lexan DMX Piano White, a revolutionary material which ensures high rigidity while eliminating unwanted resonances.
A special upgraded engine which provides a high level of sonic accuracy.
Split pole pins with a silver plated copper wire that enhances the details in the reproduction of the sound. The split pole pins enables moving magnet cartridges to have a flat frequency response as with a moving coil cartridge.
r/R 6/50µm Nude Shibata stylus - Nude Shibata's slim, highly polished profile allows an exceedingly wide contact area to the groove walls and ensures notably detailed reproduction throughout the spectrum, including even the most high frequency groove information.
Strapped output delivers the same output signal from both sets of pole pins. This effectively eliminates the need for mono-specific equipment, making it possible to enjoy true mono reproduction on any stereo playback system.
The cartridge body has been streamlined to provide easy mounting and alignment. 2M Mono SE provides excellent compatibility in an assortment of playback systems and with a wide variety of phono preamps.

The listening experience will be significantly improved when using a high quality true mono cartridge for the replay of your mono records. This is why we recommend you 2M Mono SE for The Beatles Mono Box Set. It will enhance your sound experience!

For more information and review quote please click here

Technical data:
Output voltage at 1000 Hz, 5cm/sec. 3.5 mV
Frequency range 20-25.000 Hz
Frequency response 20-20.000 Hz + 2 /- 1 dB
Tracking ability at 315Hz at recommended tracking force 70 µm
Compliance, dynamic, lateral 22 µm/mN
Stylus type Nude Shibata
Stylus tip radius r/ R 6/50 µm
Tracking force range 1.4-1.7g (14-17 mN)
Tracking force, recommended 1.5g (15 mN)
Internal impedance, DC resistance 600 Ohm
Internal inductance 300 mH
Recommended load resistance for stereo/mono connection 47 kOhm/23.5 kOhm
Recommended load capacitance for stereo/mono connection 150-300 pF/300-600 pF
Tracking angle 20°
Cartridge body material Lexan DMX Piano White
Coil wire material Silver plated copper wire
Cartridge colour, body/stylus White/White
Cartridge weight 7.2g
Replacement stylus unit 2M Mono SE
Stylus protection guard 2M Mono

Última edição por afonso em Sáb Jul 12 2014, 23:26, editado 1 vez(es)
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 2309
Data de inscrição : 17/06/2012

Ortofon 2M Mono Special Edition Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Ortofon 2M Mono Special Edition   Ortofon 2M Mono Special Edition EmptySáb Jul 12 2014, 23:23

E com esta vantagem adicional....

Strapped output delivers the same output signal from both sets of pole pins. This effectively eliminates the need for mono-specific equipment, making it possible to enjoy true mono reproduction on any stereo playback system.

 Ortofon 2M Mono Special Edition 22692 
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António José da Silva
Membro AAP
António José da Silva

Mensagens : 64575
Data de inscrição : 02/07/2010
Idade : 58
Localização : Quinta do Anjo

Ortofon 2M Mono Special Edition Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Ortofon 2M Mono Special Edition   Ortofon 2M Mono Special Edition EmptySáb Jul 12 2014, 23:24

Já tinha colocado esse noticia no tópico da caixa Mono dos Beatles.  Ortofon 2M Mono Special Edition 491368 

Digital Audio - Like Reassembling A Cow From Mince  Ortofon 2M Mono Special Edition 6xxboo

If what I'm hearing is colouration, then bring on the whole rainbow...

The essential thing is not knowledge, but character.
Joseph Le Conte
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 2309
Data de inscrição : 17/06/2012

Ortofon 2M Mono Special Edition Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Ortofon 2M Mono Special Edition   Ortofon 2M Mono Special Edition EmptySáb Jul 12 2014, 23:28

António José da Silva escreveu:
Já tinha colocado esse noticia no tópico da caixa Mono dos Beatles.  Ortofon 2M Mono Special Edition 491368 

Eu sei... A culpa é tua... Ortofon 2M Mono Special Edition 809774 
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 15388
Data de inscrição : 02/07/2010
Idade : 63
Localização : Scalabicastro, naquele Jardim á beira, mal plantado

Ortofon 2M Mono Special Edition Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Ortofon 2M Mono Special Edition   Ortofon 2M Mono Special Edition EmptySáb Jul 12 2014, 23:34

afonso escreveu:

E com esta vantagem adicional....

Strapped output delivers the same output signal from both sets of pole pins. This effectively eliminates the need for mono-specific equipment, making it possible to enjoy true mono reproduction on any stereo playback system.

 Ortofon 2M Mono Special Edition 22692 

Mas isso é uma coisa que faz parte da maioria das células mono , recentes e não só, a minha SPU-A de mil novecentos e trócopasso já é assim...
Mas sim, há células mono só com dois pinos, como a denon dl103 mono
 Ortofon 2M Mono Special Edition 22692 
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 2309
Data de inscrição : 17/06/2012

Ortofon 2M Mono Special Edition Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Ortofon 2M Mono Special Edition   Ortofon 2M Mono Special Edition EmptySáb Jul 12 2014, 23:53

Milton escreveu:
afonso escreveu:

E com esta vantagem adicional....

Strapped output delivers the same output signal from both sets of pole pins. This effectively eliminates the need for mono-specific equipment, making it possible to enjoy true mono reproduction on any stereo playback system.

 Ortofon 2M Mono Special Edition 22692 

Mas isso é uma coisa que faz parte da maioria das células mono , recentes e não só, a minha SPU-A de mil novecentos e trócopasso já é assim...
Mas sim, há células mono só com dois pinos, como a denon dl103 mono
 Ortofon 2M Mono Special Edition 22692 

A tua célula SPU -A tem uma agulha de 1 mil indicada apenas  para os grooves dos discos monos antigos feitos com laquers mono.

Esta Ortofon Mono tem uma agulha .7 Mil apropriada para os novos monos feitos com laquers stereo ( Beatles mono) mas também pode ser usada com os discos monos antigos.

Por exemplo as recentes Miyajima mono tem todas agulhas 1 Mil.

A explicação dos dois pinos é por ser uma célula MM no entanto a junção foi bastante "inteligente"... Vê só a explicação que a Ortofon dá;

Here is what designer Leif Johannsen writes about the Ortofon lineup: SPU CG: The old 1948-design with only lateral compliance and one coil SPU Mono, Cadenza Mono, Quintet Mono: Both lateral and vertical compliance and one coil. The armature has been turned 45 degrees from the stereo-position. 2M Mono and 2M Mono SE: In the MM we cannot turn the armature or anything else. So the mechanical geometry is the same as in the stereo 2M’s. But we can couple the two coils in a clever way (NOT simply parallel between L and R)) and thereby making it work as one coil. The point is to have a design not sensitive to vertical movements and that has been achieved.
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 2309
Data de inscrição : 17/06/2012

Ortofon 2M Mono Special Edition Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Ortofon 2M Mono Special Edition   Ortofon 2M Mono Special Edition EmptyDom Jul 13 2014, 00:22

The key issue for mono playback is not the number of signal coils - but their angular orientation, which determines whether they are sensitive to vertical groove modulations or not. A coil design that does not pick up any vertical modulation in the first place gives better sound than picking up the vertical modulation, then attempting to cancel it out later.

IME, what works best in a normal stereo system, is a cartridge with two mono coils. This eliminates any sensitivity to vertical groove modulations, yet avoids the hum issues that a single-coil cartridge may be prone to
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Ortofon 2M Mono Special Edition
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