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 Manfred's Presentation

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Mister W
ricardo onga-ku
Duarte Rosa
Rui Mendes
luis lopes
Luis Filipe Goios
António José da Silva
Fernando Mota
34 participantes
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 3209
Data de inscrição : 12/11/2011

Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Manfred's Presentation   Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 EmptyQui Ago 08 2013, 21:14

António José da Silva escreveu:
microseiki escreveu:
Just The opposite!
Once you hear these cartridge you don' wanna hear anything else!!!

It really digs deep those notes in the record!!!!

Its a one and only experience!!!!

It'a a MB (Moving Bolt).Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 933723 

Mau audio, always on the edge tecnhology!
It never stops innovating!
Never fears the unknown!
Always a step ahead!

Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 265963 

Moving bolt Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 754215 
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 754215 
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 1392
Data de inscrição : 01/08/2013

Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Manfred's Presentation   Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 EmptyDom Ago 11 2013, 18:48

Here now some photos:

Listening room is a dedicated room in the basement, ca. 4,6 x 4,6 m.

View from listening seat:
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 D30_3596

My beloved Tannoy Turnberry
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 D30_3525

Details from Turnberry:
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 D30_1673
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 D30_1677

The ViaBlue Quattro Base 5.0 lifts the Tannoy a bit ant tightens the bass:
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 D30_3480

ViaBlue SC-8 prototype biwire cable for Tannoy with ground wire:
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 D30_3496

System view:
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 D30_3591
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 D30_3577

Reussenzehn Tube Slave S
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 D30_1651
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 D30_1664

Mythology Zeus with Mission Mechanic Tonearm
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 D30_3581
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 D30_3583
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 D30_3508

Class D Amp SMSL SA-98E
Very good imaging, detail, impact and bass control but a little reduced emotion and musical flow.
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 D30_3593

Recommendable lecture for audiophiles:
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 D30_3587
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Luis Filipe Goios
Membro AAP
Luis Filipe Goios

Mensagens : 10506
Data de inscrição : 27/10/2010
Idade : 66
Localização : Lanhelas - Minho

Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Manfred's Presentation   Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 EmptyDom Ago 11 2013, 19:40

Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 22692 
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 754215 Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 754215 
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 5129
Data de inscrição : 08/02/2011
Idade : 62
Localização : Casal do Marco - Seixal

Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Manfred's Presentation   Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 EmptyDom Ago 11 2013, 19:44

Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 22692 
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 3209
Data de inscrição : 12/11/2011
Idade : 55
Localização : Oriente

Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Manfred's Presentation   Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 EmptyDom Ago 11 2013, 19:45

reirato escreveu:
microseiki escreveu:
... ...
theres a german singer internationaly known but can´t remenber the name! another one!!!

(my german friend in visiting me more and more - mr Alzeimer!!Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 933723 )

Ute Lemper!? ...
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 Lemper-in-Figaro-Paris
Ute Lemper, als Lola im "Blauen Engel", Berlin.


Thats it!!
Ute Lemper!
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 22692 
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António José da Silva
Membro AAP
António José da Silva

Mensagens : 64575
Data de inscrição : 02/07/2010
Idade : 57
Localização : Quinta do Anjo

Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Manfred's Presentation   Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 EmptyDom Ago 11 2013, 20:25

Hallo Manfred.

Das ist ja eine feine Anlage die du da Betreibst, eine Augenweide. Die Tannoys sind wunderschön und wenn sie in der guten alten Tannoy Tradition funktionieren, dann hast du da eine grandiose Anlage zum Musik hören, und ich gratuliere dich dazu. Zur Verstärkung weißt du schon meine Meinung. Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 936335 

Gratuliere dich.Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 754215  Wunderschöne Bilder, du kannst stolz auf deine Spielzeuge sein. Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 491368 

Digital Audio - Like Reassembling A Cow From Mince  Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 6xxboo

If what I'm hearing is colouration, then bring on the whole rainbow...

The essential thing is not knowledge, but character.
Joseph Le Conte
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 15388
Data de inscrição : 02/07/2010
Idade : 62
Localização : Scalabicastro, naquele Jardim á beira, mal plantado

Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Manfred's Presentation   Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 EmptyDom Ago 11 2013, 21:50

Hello Manfred !
Very nice Tannoy !!
I'm a huge fan of Tannoy also and i have a pair o SRM10b.
Is your second turntable a Dual ?
You could use a JP like mine....
Is 3 in one piece of fine art, but sadly Joaquim said that he does'nt do one like this ever more.
Is a all tube Line+MM+MC  all in one box, but all separate in the inside, and all 3 have one psu in comon.
My turntable is a TD125mkII, witch i renamed RB125mkIII, because it was upgraded by Rui Borges, and soon i hope to have one TD135.
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 P7191116
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 P7191115
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 Foto0610
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 P7191114
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 Foto0512
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 Foto0513
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 Foto0514
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 P7191113
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 P7191112
Here you can see the back of "Mil Tons"
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 P7191111
From left to right
In + out phono MC
In+ out phono MM
1 to 5 are line in's
Interconect cable to psu
OUT to power amp
Rec Out with variable output via a pot you can see in left of front panel
Here you can see my friend Rui Borges amazed and about to bee sucked inside the speakers...Laughing 
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 Foto0619

Última edição por Milton em Dom Ago 11 2013, 22:10, editado 2 vez(es)
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António José da Silva
Membro AAP
António José da Silva

Mensagens : 64575
Data de inscrição : 02/07/2010
Idade : 57
Localização : Quinta do Anjo

Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Manfred's Presentation   Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 EmptyDom Ago 11 2013, 22:07

He wasn't amazed, he was trying to adjust the sound to listen to some music.Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 265963 

Digital Audio - Like Reassembling A Cow From Mince  Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 6xxboo

If what I'm hearing is colouration, then bring on the whole rainbow...

The essential thing is not knowledge, but character.
Joseph Le Conte
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 15388
Data de inscrição : 02/07/2010
Idade : 62
Localização : Scalabicastro, naquele Jardim á beira, mal plantado

Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Manfred's Presentation   Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 EmptyDom Ago 11 2013, 22:12

António José da Silva escreveu:
He wasn't amazed, he was trying to adjust the sound to listen to some music.Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 265963 
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 57537 Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 2912087259 
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 271350 
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António José da Silva
Membro AAP
António José da Silva

Mensagens : 64575
Data de inscrição : 02/07/2010
Idade : 57
Localização : Quinta do Anjo

Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Manfred's Presentation   Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 EmptyDom Ago 11 2013, 22:18

Milton escreveu:
António José da Silva escreveu:
He wasn't amazed, he was trying to adjust the sound to listen to some music.Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 265963 
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 57537 Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 2912087259 
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 271350 

And that "fake" Joaquim Pinto of yours, needs to be tested by my golden ears before it gets the 5 star award.Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 758687 

Digital Audio - Like Reassembling A Cow From Mince  Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 6xxboo

If what I'm hearing is colouration, then bring on the whole rainbow...

The essential thing is not knowledge, but character.
Joseph Le Conte
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Duarte Rosa
Membro AAP
Duarte Rosa

Mensagens : 2033
Data de inscrição : 27/12/2011
Idade : 48
Localização : Abrantes

Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Manfred's Presentation   Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 EmptyDom Ago 11 2013, 22:23

The Tannoy are very beautiful, i am a big fan of Tannoy, congratulations for the system Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 754215 
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 15388
Data de inscrição : 02/07/2010
Idade : 62
Localização : Scalabicastro, naquele Jardim á beira, mal plantado

Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Manfred's Presentation   Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 EmptyDom Ago 11 2013, 22:30

António José da Silva escreveu:
Milton escreveu:
António José da Silva escreveu:
He wasn't amazed, he was trying to adjust the sound to listen to some music.Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 265963 
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 57537 Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 2912087259 
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 271350 
And that "fake" Joaquim Pinto of yours, needs to be tested by my golden ears before it gets the 5 star award.Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 758687 
Don't fake me...lol! 
There's no fake !!
Statement Exclusive are suitable adjectives that could go with the nice front panel...
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 15388
Data de inscrição : 02/07/2010
Idade : 62
Localização : Scalabicastro, naquele Jardim á beira, mal plantado

Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Manfred's Presentation   Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 EmptyDom Ago 11 2013, 22:38

António José da Silva escreveu:

And that "fake" Joaquim Pinto of yours, needs to be tested by my golden ears before it gets the 5 star award.Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 758687 
I have beer in the fridge....
Be sure to bring fresh bateries in your ear device...
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 707387 
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 265963 
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António José da Silva
Membro AAP
António José da Silva

Mensagens : 64575
Data de inscrição : 02/07/2010
Idade : 57
Localização : Quinta do Anjo

Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Manfred's Presentation   Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 EmptyDom Ago 11 2013, 22:41

Milton escreveu:

I have beer in the fridge....

You have beer in the fridge? Lots of beer? I think it will sound very nice.Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 491368 

Digital Audio - Like Reassembling A Cow From Mince  Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 6xxboo

If what I'm hearing is colouration, then bring on the whole rainbow...

The essential thing is not knowledge, but character.
Joseph Le Conte
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 15388
Data de inscrição : 02/07/2010
Idade : 62
Localização : Scalabicastro, naquele Jardim á beira, mal plantado

Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Manfred's Presentation   Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 EmptyDom Ago 11 2013, 22:49

António José da Silva escreveu:
Milton escreveu:

I have beer in the fridge....

You have beer in the fridge? Lots of beer? I think it will sound very nice.Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 491368 
Now we are talking !lol! 
I believe to have some ginja as well....
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 936335 
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 1392
Data de inscrição : 01/08/2013

Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Manfred's Presentation   Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 EmptySeg Ago 12 2013, 05:23

Milton escreveu:
Hello Manfred !
Very nice Tannoy !!
I'm a huge fan of Tannoy also and i have a pair o SRM10b.
Is your second turntable a Dual ?
You could use a JP like mine....
Is 3 in one piece of fine art, but sadly Joaquim said that he does'nt do one like this ever more.
Is a all tube Line+MM+MC  all in one box, but all separate in the inside, and all 3 have one psu in comon.

nice to see some other Tannoy owners too!

Your JP preamp is just amazing!

Yes the second turntable is a Dual 1229, under construction. I experimented with a massive plinth to fit a second tonearm. The goal was to get something like a fake-Garrard - but the Dual seems to sound best with its original springs. And sonically it is fine for itsself but far from the Zeus, so I do not put much energy in this project currently.


Wonder what are the metal "cans" inside the Brutus and the "Mil Tons"?

Última edição por mannitheear em Seg Ago 12 2013, 07:35, editado 2 vez(es)
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 1392
Data de inscrição : 01/08/2013

Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Manfred's Presentation   Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 EmptySeg Ago 12 2013, 07:19

microseiki escreveu:
Check this cartridge out!
Best needle ever made with a new design to help dissipate stored energy!

It was designed by a chinese brand not known , Mau Audio

The needle is casted in a high qualitity inox iron

The sound is just amazing


By the way theres a waiting list of 3 years!
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 265963 
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 265963 
"Mau audio" means bad  audio
Perhaps Mau Audio was inspired by the famous Altmann tonearm.
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 3642
Data de inscrição : 08/11/2010
Idade : 80
Localização : Stª Maria de Belém, Lisboa

Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Manfred's Presentation   Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 EmptySeg Ago 12 2013, 12:56

mannitheear escreveu:
... ...
Yes the second turntable is a Dual 1229, under construction. I experimented with a massive plinth to fit a second tonearm. The goal was to get something like a fake-Garrard - but the Dual seems to sound best with its original springs. And sonically it is fine for itsself but ... ...

Wonder what are the metal "cans" inside the Brutus and the "Mil Tons"?
Speaking about constructions (!? ...)...
Allow me to show you my, underway, Lenco
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 IMG_0730
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 IMG_0735

LENCO (Wharfedale),
Rui Borges, Olisipo
Fecit Anno 2013


Metal "cans"... Stands for Joaquim's voodoo?? ...
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 936335 

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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 15388
Data de inscrição : 02/07/2010
Idade : 62
Localização : Scalabicastro, naquele Jardim á beira, mal plantado

Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Manfred's Presentation   Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 EmptySeg Ago 12 2013, 13:04

mannitheear escreveu:
Wonder what are the metal "cans" inside the Brutus and the "Mil Tons"?
Well, my first thought was that those metal cans were the centre core of the projet, filed with IC's and transistors, and the tubes were there for estetics only..
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 265963 
But Joaquim assured me that the cans were filed with caps and the enclosure is to eliminate the humm and other noises.
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 491368 
But on the other hand, it could be some kind of "okkus pokkus" or "vodoo" material, like de fifth leg of a Saara frog, or a tooth of a hummingbird....
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 447836 
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 1392
Data de inscrição : 01/08/2013

Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Manfred's Presentation   Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 EmptySeg Ago 12 2013, 13:13

Milton escreveu:

Well, my first thought was that those metal cans were the centre core of the projet, filed with IC's and transistors, and the tubes were there for estetics only..
Yes, or a transformer...Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 57537

Other idea: the tubes are not only for esthetics but also for ensuring a constant and optimal operating temperature for the ICs!Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 265963

Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 936335 Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 936335 Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 936335
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 3209
Data de inscrição : 12/11/2011
Idade : 55
Localização : Oriente

Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Manfred's Presentation   Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 EmptySeg Ago 12 2013, 21:31

mannitheear escreveu:
microseiki escreveu:
Check this cartridge out!
Best needle ever made with a new design to help dissipate stored energy!

It was designed by a chinese brand not known , Mau Audio

The needle is casted in a high qualitity inox iron

The sound is just amazing


By the way theres a waiting list of 3 years!
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 265963 
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 265963 
"Mau audio" means bad  audio
Perhaps Mau Audio was inspired by the famous Altmann tonearm.
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 265963 

We have a post only dedicaded to "Mau Audio"

Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 265963 
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António José da Silva
Membro AAP
António José da Silva

Mensagens : 64575
Data de inscrição : 02/07/2010
Idade : 57
Localização : Quinta do Anjo

Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Manfred's Presentation   Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 EmptySeg Ago 12 2013, 21:35

mannitheear escreveu:

Other idea: the tubes are not only for esthetics but also for ensuring a constant and optimal operating temperature for the ICs!Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 265963

Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 936335 Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 936335 Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 936335

You unveiled Joaquim's secret. Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 933723 

Digital Audio - Like Reassembling A Cow From Mince  Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 6xxboo

If what I'm hearing is colouration, then bring on the whole rainbow...

The essential thing is not knowledge, but character.
Joseph Le Conte
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 3209
Data de inscrição : 12/11/2011
Idade : 55
Localização : Oriente

Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Manfred's Presentation   Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 EmptySeg Ago 12 2013, 21:42

António José da Silva escreveu:
mannitheear escreveu:

Other idea: the tubes are not only for esthetics but also for ensuring a constant and optimal operating temperature for the ICs!Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 265963

Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 936335 Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 936335 Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 936335
You  unveiled Joaquim's secret.  Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 933723 
another placebo!!!

Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 265963 Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 265963 Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 265963 Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 265963 Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 265963 Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 265963 
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 1392
Data de inscrição : 01/08/2013

Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Manfred's Presentation   Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 EmptyTer Ago 13 2013, 05:29

microseiki escreveu:

Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 265963 

We have a post only dedicaded to "Mau Audio"

Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 265963 
Do you have a link? I could not find it.
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 1392
Data de inscrição : 01/08/2013

Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Manfred's Presentation   Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 EmptyTer Ago 13 2013, 05:39

If you like 70s Prog Rock (like me) you might check out following albums by german bands:

Triumvirat -Spartacus
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 Triumvirat-spartacus_200576

Triumvirat - Pompeij
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 New_triumvirat._triumvirat-pompeii

Anyone's Daughter - Live
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 0886922805424
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António José da Silva
Membro AAP
António José da Silva

Mensagens : 64575
Data de inscrição : 02/07/2010
Idade : 57
Localização : Quinta do Anjo

Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Manfred's Presentation   Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 EmptyTer Ago 13 2013, 05:49

mannitheear escreveu:
If you like 70s Prog Rock (like me) you might check out following albums by german bands:

Triumvirat -Spartacus
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 Triumvirat-spartacus_200576

Triumvirat - Pompeij
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 New_triumvirat._triumvirat-pompeii

Anyone's Daughter - Live
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 0886922805424

I think that the first one has been mentioned before in the forum, but I will investigate all of them.Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 693932 

Digital Audio - Like Reassembling A Cow From Mince  Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 6xxboo

If what I'm hearing is colouration, then bring on the whole rainbow...

The essential thing is not knowledge, but character.
Joseph Le Conte
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 1392
Data de inscrição : 01/08/2013

Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Manfred's Presentation   Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 EmptyTer Ago 13 2013, 07:21

reirato escreveu:

Speaking about constructions (!? ...)...
Allow me to show you my, underway, Lenco
Please keep us informed about the progress and your sonic findings!

Which tonearm and cartridge do you use? How is the Lenco coupled to the plinth?
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 1392
Data de inscrição : 01/08/2013

Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Manfred's Presentation   Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 EmptyTer Ago 13 2013, 07:57

António José da Silva escreveu:
Hallo Manfred.


Zur Verstärkung weißt du schon meine Meinung.  Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 936335 

Now I have switched back to the Reussenzehn Tube Amp and its in fact more musical than the small Chinese amp - with the exception of bass control.

I want to hear one day a highend class-D, like Hypex Ncore.

But, as I wrote in open-end-music my object of desire is the Viriatus.

My esteem for the Brutus increases every day. I have a copy of this wonderful Mozart recording with Clara Haskil and while it is in a bad condition it's a pleasure to listen to and the piano sounds fullbodied and is wonderful rendered.

Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 39135a4b920b8cd6a31bcad714a6bc8ee
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António José da Silva
Membro AAP
António José da Silva

Mensagens : 64575
Data de inscrição : 02/07/2010
Idade : 57
Localização : Quinta do Anjo

Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Manfred's Presentation   Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 EmptyTer Ago 13 2013, 08:24

It's very rewarding when you buy something at a very competitive price, and end up with a piece of equipment that compares with very expensive stuff.
It's nice to see that you're loving it.

Digital Audio - Like Reassembling A Cow From Mince  Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 6xxboo

If what I'm hearing is colouration, then bring on the whole rainbow...

The essential thing is not knowledge, but character.
Joseph Le Conte
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 1392
Data de inscrição : 01/08/2013

Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Manfred's Presentation   Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 EmptyTer Ago 13 2013, 08:40

António José da Silva escreveu:
It's very rewarding when you buy something at a very competitive price, and end up with a piece of equipment that compares with very expensive stuff.
It's nice to see that you're loving it.
It's not only about the competitive price, but I realize more and more that Brutus is a totally sophisticated device, despite it's minimalistic and clean appearance.

Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 754215
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 5129
Data de inscrição : 08/02/2011
Idade : 62
Localização : Casal do Marco - Seixal

Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Manfred's Presentation   Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 EmptyTer Ago 13 2013, 09:14

I really like Triunvirat, i have 4 Lp's ...
Ilusions on a double dimple
Old love die's hard
I especially like Spartacus, a great album.

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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 608
Data de inscrição : 16/09/2011
Localização : Sintra

Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Manfred's Presentation   Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 EmptyTer Ago 13 2013, 10:51

mannitheear escreveu:
Milton escreveu:

Well, my first thought was that those metal cans were the centre core of the projet, filed with IC's and transistors, and the tubes were there for estetics only..
Yes, or a transformer...Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 57537

Other idea: the tubes are not only for esthetics but also for ensuring a constant and optimal operating temperature for the ICs!Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 265963

Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 936335 Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 936335 Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 936335

Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 57537 Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 809774 Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 424293 Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 848499 Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 43034 
I do not do any more pres
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 1940
Data de inscrição : 04/07/2010
Idade : 43
Localização : Fátima

Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Manfred's Presentation   Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 EmptyTer Ago 13 2013, 11:00

reirato escreveu:

Speaking about constructions (!? ...)...
Allow me to show you my, underway, Lenco
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 IMG_0730
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 IMG_0735

LENCO (Wharfedale),
Rui Borges, Olisipo
Fecit Anno 2013


Metal "cans"...  Stands for Joaquim's voodoo?? ...
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 936335 

Another one? Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 447836 
Everyone on the forum is taking his turntable to Rui Borges Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 524928826 
The performance is really better?
Maybe my Pioneer would like to visit Rui Borges Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 271350 
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 1392
Data de inscrição : 01/08/2013

Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Manfred's Presentation   Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 EmptyTer Ago 13 2013, 12:19

jpamplifiers escreveu:

Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 57537 Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 809774 Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 424293 Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 848499 Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 43034 
I do not do any more pres
Hey, I have one!Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 824269
But who knows, inside the cans there is probably something completely different - a remote detonator
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 424293 Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 424293 Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 424293

So, we Brutus owners should better be well-behaved now.
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 936335
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 1392
Data de inscrição : 01/08/2013

Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Manfred's Presentation   Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 EmptyTer Ago 13 2013, 12:24

fredy escreveu:
I really like Triunvirat, i have 4 Lp's ...
Ilusions on a double dimple
Old love die's hard
I especially like Spartacus, a great album.

Hi Fredie,

cool! I learned on the Jürgen Fritz homepage, that Triumvirat had 1978 even a gold record in Portugal!

Meanwhile they seem sadly almost forgotten.

Spartacus is a very good sounding record.

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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 2485
Data de inscrição : 07/07/2010

Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Manfred's Presentation   Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 EmptyTer Ago 13 2013, 13:41

António José da Silva escreveu:
mannitheear escreveu:
If you like 70s Prog Rock (like me) you might check out following albums by german bands:

Triumvirat -Spartacus
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 Triumvirat-spartacus_200576

Triumvirat - Pompeij
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 New_triumvirat._triumvirat-pompeii

Anyone's Daughter - Live
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 0886922805424
I think that the first one has been mentioned before in the forum, but I will investigate all of them.Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 693932 
bah..the worst German band! (IMO)
checks this ones
agitation free
Ash ra tempel
New Brave word
Popol Vuh
Amon Düül II
Cosmic Jokers
Achim Reichel & machines, Gila, ..etc etc
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 608
Data de inscrição : 16/09/2011
Localização : Sintra

Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Manfred's Presentation   Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 EmptyTer Ago 13 2013, 13:55

mannitheear escreveu:
jpamplifiers escreveu:

Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 57537 Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 809774 Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 424293 Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 848499 Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 43034 
I do not do any more pres
Hey, I have one!Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 824269
But who knows, inside the cans there is probably something completely different - a remote detonator
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 424293 Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 424293 Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 424293

So, we Brutus owners should better be well-behaved now.
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 936335

Yes, here is the detonator, but do not show to anyone, especially these dudes AAP.Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 265963
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 850
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 1392
Data de inscrição : 01/08/2013

Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Manfred's Presentation   Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 EmptyTer Ago 13 2013, 14:44

nbunuel escreveu:

checks this ones
agitation free
Ash ra tempel
New Brave word
Popol Vuh
Amon Düül II
Cosmic Jokers
Achim Reichel & machines, Gila, ..etc etc
Hey, that's expert advice!

Any suggestions for Portuguese music?

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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 3642
Data de inscrição : 08/11/2010
Idade : 80
Localização : Stª Maria de Belém, Lisboa

Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Manfred's Presentation   Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 EmptyTer Ago 13 2013, 15:29

mannitheear escreveu:
... ...

Any suggestions for Portuguese music?

Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 Palma+55
Jorge Palma

For you, as a non latin speaker, shouldn't be bothered with his complete absence of verse metrics and rhyme!? ...

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António José da Silva
Membro AAP
António José da Silva

Mensagens : 64575
Data de inscrição : 02/07/2010
Idade : 57
Localização : Quinta do Anjo

Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Manfred's Presentation   Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 EmptyTer Ago 13 2013, 22:15

mannitheear escreveu:
probably something completely different - a remote detonator

It's probably a good thing if the Brutus blows up, because we would need to look for a really good phono pre.Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 265963 

Digital Audio - Like Reassembling A Cow From Mince  Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 6xxboo

If what I'm hearing is colouration, then bring on the whole rainbow...

The essential thing is not knowledge, but character.
Joseph Le Conte
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 15388
Data de inscrição : 02/07/2010
Idade : 62
Localização : Scalabicastro, naquele Jardim á beira, mal plantado

Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Manfred's Presentation   Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 EmptyTer Ago 13 2013, 22:52

jpamplifiers escreveu:
mannitheear escreveu:
jpamplifiers escreveu:

Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 57537 Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 809774 Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 424293 Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 848499 Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 43034 
I do not do any more pres
Hey, I have one!Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 824269
But who knows, inside the cans there is probably something completely different - a remote detonator
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 424293 Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 424293 Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 424293

So, we Brutus owners should better be well-behaved now.
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 936335

Yes, here is the detonator, but do not show to anyone, especially these dudes AAP.Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 265963
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 850
Do not worry Manfred, your's is out of range, and mine is wraped with tin foil...smedley 
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 3209
Data de inscrição : 12/11/2011
Idade : 55
Localização : Oriente

Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Manfred's Presentation   Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 EmptyTer Ago 13 2013, 22:54

mannitheear escreveu:
microseiki escreveu:

Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 265963 

We have a post only dedicaded to "Mau Audio"

Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 265963 
Do you have a link? I could not find it.


Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 22692 
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 1392
Data de inscrição : 01/08/2013

Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Manfred's Presentation   Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 EmptyQua Ago 14 2013, 05:40

Listened to that album via spotify and liked it a lot:

Delfins - 25 Anos, 25 Êxitos, 1 Abraço

Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 22692 

Jorge Palma will be next.
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 4762
Data de inscrição : 09/07/2010
Localização : Frossos, Albergaria-a-Velha

Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Manfred's Presentation   Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 EmptyQua Ago 14 2013, 19:33

mannitheear escreveu:
nbunuel escreveu:

checks this ones
agitation free
Ash ra tempel
New Brave word
Popol Vuh
Amon Düül II
Cosmic Jokers
Achim Reichel & machines, Gila, ..etc etc
Hey, that's expert advice!

Any suggestions for Portuguese music?

My opinion...

Petrus Castrus
Banda do Casaco

Try this...
Psychedelic Portugal (hard psych and progressive sounds from portugal underground scene 1968-1974)
Ex: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWSMPpBZgwg&feature=youtu.be

Guide for portuguese progrock:


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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 2485
Data de inscrição : 07/07/2010

Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Manfred's Presentation   Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 EmptyQua Ago 14 2013, 22:33

Quarteto 1111
Pop Five Music incº
José Cid
Banda do casaco
José afonso
José Mário Branco
Carlos paredes
Amália rodrigues
Linha geral
Sétima legião
pop dell´Arte
Mão Morta
Mler if dada
radio Macau
António variações
Gala Drop
Dead Combo.. etc etc
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 3209
Data de inscrição : 12/11/2011
Idade : 55
Localização : Oriente

Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Manfred's Presentation   Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 EmptySáb Set 07 2013, 22:38

Hy Manfred

one of the iconic values of Portuguese music

Alfredo Marceneiro
Rainha Santa

Amor de Mãe - Mothers Love

Tricana _ small jam

This Fado!!!

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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 3642
Data de inscrição : 08/11/2010
Idade : 80
Localização : Stª Maria de Belém, Lisboa

Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Manfred's Presentation   Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 EmptyDom Set 08 2013, 09:35

mannitheear escreveu:
reirato escreveu:

Speaking about constructions (!? ...)...
Allow me to show you my, underway, Lenco
Please keep us informed about the progress and your sonic findings!

Which tonearm and cartridge do you use? How is the Lenco coupled to the plinth?
After completion and dropped in place
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 IMG_0745_1
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 IMG_0736
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 IMG_0744
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 IMG_0742
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 IMG_0738
The arm is my second Magnepan, the most infamous Unitrac 1...
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 Magneplan_Unitrac_one
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 IMG_0741
My other Unitrac on a TD 850
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 000_0170
About the cart there is an AudioTechnica AT 33PTG/II
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 $T2eC16hHJHIE9nysfpeeBP65!!KuBw~~60_57
And this how it performs, with the brand new cart, just out of the box...
The Lenco chassis is rigidly secured to the all wood  (plywood)  plinth by means its original fixation bolts (4), that had been previously elongated to fit the new and taller plinth through these thin hollows hardly seen in the pic
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 IMG_0730
The whole thing is isolated from outside world by means of 4 Isonoe feet
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 IsonoeFeetcopy
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 Isonoemk2_l2

Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 Technical5545square-150x150
And that's all!!
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 1392
Data de inscrição : 01/08/2013

Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Manfred's Presentation   Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 EmptyDom Set 08 2013, 15:48

reirato escreveu:

After completion and dropped in place

And that's all!!
Wow, thank you for the very inspiring photos! Your Lenco looks fantastic!

Currently I use a MC Scheu (Benz Glider LO with elliptical stylus) in my Dual 1229 and it sounds very good, better slam and attack than the Mythology! But the motor is noisy and has to be oiled and serviced.

And thanks for all musical suggestions! I try to hear every artist via spotify and youtube.


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António José da Silva
Membro AAP
António José da Silva

Mensagens : 64575
Data de inscrição : 02/07/2010
Idade : 57
Localização : Quinta do Anjo

Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Manfred's Presentation   Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 EmptyDom Set 08 2013, 15:57

A beauty like this Lenco, should be on the top of the rack. Another great restoration job by Rui Borges. Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 754215 

Digital Audio - Like Reassembling A Cow From Mince  Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 6xxboo

If what I'm hearing is colouration, then bring on the whole rainbow...

The essential thing is not knowledge, but character.
Joseph Le Conte
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 1392
Data de inscrição : 01/08/2013

Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 Empty
MensagemAssunto: let's dream...   Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 EmptyQua Set 11 2013, 10:31

If I would win the lottery... the Brutus would be the only piece of electronics to stay.

The systems oy my dreams would consist of:

  1. 2 or 3 more turntables (a Rui Borges and probably a Dr. Feickert and a StSt)
  2. some fine tonearms (Kuzma, Reed, StSt) and cartridges
  3. 2 or 3 additional Brutus
  4. a pair of Tannoy 15 inch speakers (Canterbury or Glenair)
  5. and a Viriatus - if it can handle a 15 inch Tannoy, hehehe Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 758687 
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 3642
Data de inscrição : 08/11/2010
Idade : 80
Localização : Stª Maria de Belém, Lisboa

Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Manfred's Presentation   Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 EmptyQua Set 11 2013, 11:23

mannitheear escreveu:
If I would win the lottery...

[*]2 or 3 additional Brutus


Don't be so viciously greedy! ...

That is blasfemy!! ...

When are so few BRUTUS around and a lot of folks begging for one ...
Crying or Very sad 

I am appointed to get hands on the last one to be made by the MAGYCIAN!!...

And that would be the really last one to be assembled within this series!? ...
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 447836 

Next editions would last some time to be borne again? ...
Manfred's Presentation - Página 3 524928826 

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