Áudio Analógico de Portugal
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Áudio Analógico de Portugal

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Áudio Analógico de Portugal
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Áudio Analógico de Portugal

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 SME vai voltar a produzir os 3009/12 e os Garrard 301

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2 participantes
Membro AAP

Mensagens : 15388
Data de inscrição : 02/07/2010
Idade : 62
Localização : Scalabicastro, naquele Jardim á beira, mal plantado

SME vai voltar a produzir os 3009/12 e os Garrard 301 Empty
MensagemAssunto: SME vai voltar a produzir os 3009/12 e os Garrard 301   SME vai voltar a produzir os 3009/12 e os Garrard 301 EmptyQui maio 17 2018, 12:03

While visiting that display, I had the pleasure of speaking with Ajay Shirke (above), Chairman of Cadence Audio SA—which owns SME and other brands—and a music lover and record collector of renown. Referring to the recent news that SME has now purchased the assets of the historic turntable manufacturer Garrard, I asked Shirke, mostly in jest and partly in hope: "So when will the Garrard 301 turntable go back into production?"

He replied: "About a year to a year-and-a-half from now."

I was stunned: "You're not joking?"

Shirke smiled warmly and said, "Not at all—bringing it back has been a dream of mine." He went on to describe the platter-bearing development that the original Garrard company, of Swindon, Wiltshire, undertook after the 301's heyday, and how that may be incorporated into the new version. All the while I was too shocked/delirious/happy to do much more than nod—until I got up the nerve to ask about the classic SME 3012 tonearm. Ajay Shirke replied, "We are going to put all of the heritage arms back into production, one at a time."

Read more at https://www.stereophile.com/content/arts-friday-munich-part-one#4y8uFdidAjca0vpX.99
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 79
Data de inscrição : 16/06/2013
Idade : 65
Localização : Brasil/Rio de Janeiro

SME vai voltar a produzir os 3009/12 e os Garrard 301 Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: SME vai voltar a produzir os 3009/12 e os Garrard 301   SME vai voltar a produzir os 3009/12 e os Garrard 301 EmptyQui Abr 15 2021, 04:46

Milton escreveu:
While visiting that display, I had the pleasure of speaking with Ajay Shirke (above), Chairman of Cadence Audio SA—which owns SME and other brands—and a music lover and record collector of renown. Referring to the recent news that SME has now purchased the assets of the historic turntable manufacturer Garrard, I asked Shirke, mostly in jest and partly in hope: "So when will the Garrard 301 turntable go back into production?"

He replied: "About a year to a year-and-a-half from now."

I was stunned: "You're not joking?"

Shirke smiled warmly and said, "Not at all—bringing it back has been a dream of mine." He went on to describe the platter-bearing development that the original Garrard company, of Swindon, Wiltshire, undertook after the 301's heyday, and how that may be incorporated into the new version. All the while I was too shocked/delirious/happy to do much more than nod—until I got up the nerve to ask about the classic SME 3012 tonearm. Ajay Shirke replied, "We are going to put all of the heritage arms back into production, one at a time."

Read more at https://www.stereophile.com/content/arts-friday-munich-part-one#4y8uFdidAjca0vpX.99


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SME vai voltar a produzir os 3009/12 e os Garrard 301
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