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 physical Emoticons "Caeles".

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António José da Silva
7 participantes
Membro AAP

Mensagens : 3209
Data de inscrição : 12/11/2011
Idade : 55
Localização : Oriente

physical Emoticons "Caeles". Empty
MensagemAssunto: physical Emoticons "Caeles".   physical Emoticons "Caeles". EmptyTer Mar 17 2015, 22:07

physical Emoticons "Caeles". Zk051x

physical Emoticons "Caeles". Ta0ebn

physical Emoticons "Caeles". Qzm98l

physical Emoticons "Caeles". 2elfi87

Look at the size of that pulley!!!!! Not the small! The small is the normally used elsewhere.
Its the big disc !!!!

physical Emoticons "Caeles". 301g0mw

German manufacturer Physical Emotions got in touch with Hifi Pig to give us a little information about what appears to be an absolutely EMOTIONALTurntablestunning looking turntable.
Main features of the turntable are as follows:
Horizontally and vertically operating air bearing with accuracy of
concentricity of 0,1µm. Additional axis with adjustable pressure to transfer
resonances produced by play back to sub chassis using an execution which the company say is a world’s first.
Sub chassis with pneumatic, analogue driven, self-adjustable
Play back platter manufactured from POM, completely decoupled from
the driven platter, which is manufactured of a mix of metals. The company say that this set up ensures that no disturbances generated by the drive mechanism can reach the pick-up. They also add that the play back platter has the characteristic of not being able to stor energy.
The tonearm base is constructed in such a way that the tonearm is decoupled
from the sub chassis but also in an exact and stable position. This is accomplished
by suspending the mounting plate on Kevlar strings. Physical Emotions also say that tonearm base along with a completely adjusted tone arm can be exchanged in less than a minute, without losing the set up.
All components optimized for freedom of resonances and reflections.
Extremely accurate and disturbance free drive system with a pulley of 16 cm diameter which also acts as a fly wheel.
Ok, so it looks imposing and the features certainly look impressive but what about the cost. Price will be 35.000€ or 43.000$


White paper:

Obviously there are three main areas of duties, to be full filled:

1. The platter should rotate constantly with the chosen speed without any variations due to different load during play back.
2. The turntable should be as immune as possible to any disturbance coming from outside.

These disturbances are:

a. Borne noise:

These are all disturbances which reach the turntable by material contact from outside. Examples are a vibrating floor, due to the music played, whose vibrations are transferred by the stand the turntable is placed on. Or any other vibrations reaching the mounting area of the turntable, like footsteps or other vibrations.

b. Airborne sound:

This is any kind of energy which is transferred by the moving of the air inside the listening environment. The most significant source is the music played. “Sound” is a variation of air pressure, which is also a force, that can interact with the reproduction of the tiny information in the grooves. Worst case is feedback, which is a high wheezing sound.
c. Electromagnetic interference. The cause can be a transformer placed nearby, HF-emissions from a handy or the magnetic field of a magnetic bearing.

3. Disturbances that are produced by playing a record:
a. Any kind of noise generated by rotating the platter, as noise from the driving motor or the bearing of the motor.
b. Any kind of noise generated by the bearing of the platter.
c. Vibrations, which are generated by the play back procedure. Just listen to a record played, with the speakers switched of. You can hear some of the music, just by the mechanical process of tracking a record. That is quite some energy, which shouldn’t cause any resonances or reflections. This energy must be channelled to a place, where it can do no harm – the mounting surface of the record player and finally the floor.
How we solved this duties:

To get a constant speed from the driving motor, we use a quartz- driven PLL. To explain this: A quartz gives a stable and constant frequency, accurate to 0,0001%. In the motor we have a hall-generator, which gives 200 pulses per revolution. Now the frequency of the quartz is divided, till it´s also 200 impulses for the given time of one revolution. Than both pulses are compared and the speed of the motor is regulated, that there is no difference. Execution of such a PLL not easy, because the reaction time is critical, that there is no cough or low frequency variation of the speed.

We did some measurements of speed accuracy of the motor. Here You see a screen shot of our HP 5371A counter, feed by an optical encoder, which was mounted to the platter. You see the distribution of 1000 measurements taken.
The deviation is from left to right of the display window: -0.001% to + 0.002%

We use a very slow turning multi pole motor with sintered bearings. The motor has very high torque. To drive the platter, we use a belt or Kevlar-string. There is a small sonic difference between belt drive and string drive. The customer can try, which signature is preferred. We recommend the string-drive.

In comparison to other manufacturers, we have chosen a much bigger diameter of the pulley. While normal pulleys have a diameter of 1 cm to 3 cm we have a pulley of 16cm diameter.
This big pulley has some advantages:

Platter speeds are 33 1/3 or 45 revolutions per minute. This equals a frequency of: 0,55 Hz (33 1/3rpm) 0r 0,75 Hz (45rpm). In case the pulley has a diameter of 1,5 cm, like commonly used, so we got a frequency of the pulley of 11,1 Hz (33 1/3rpm) or 15 Hz (45rpm) Whatever rotates makes some noise and also the related harmonics of the fundamental frequency. For 33 1/3 platter speed, the 2nd to 10th harmonic are in the area of 22,2 Hz to 111 Hz, which is well in the audible area.

Our Pulley has a diameter of 16cm. By this diameter results a frequency of the pulley of 1,1 Hz (33 1/3rpm) or 1,5 Hz (45rpm) . All the harmonics up to the 10th are well below the audible area.

Our Pulley has a weight of 1,6 kg. So the pulley also operates in the way of a fly-wheel. By the inertia, the drive of the platter has much less variations, than one with a smaller pulley.

The bigger diameter of our pulley also has another advantage: A standard pulley of 1,5 cm diameter only has a contact area between pulley and belt of about 1,6 cm, while with our pulley the contact area is 16,75 cm. This much bigger area of contact means much less slippage of the belt equals higher torque. We accomplish torque-values of an idler drive turntable, without the disadvantages of an idler drive (noise). By having so much contact area and torque, we don´t need a high tension of the driving belt, which results in less disturbances from the motor transmitted and also less horizontal force on the bearing.
All parts of the pulley and motor housing are optimized for minimum resonance and high internal damping. The motor is fed by an external DC power supply. Optional available is a battery power supply with internal automatic charger.

Platter bearing:

We use an air bearing, normally used in highest precision laser applications.

The concentricity is 0.1 micron. The camp takes both horizontally and vertically. Thus, no running noise by the rotational movement can be expected. Also the air bearing is maintenance free and has no wear.

The air bearing is designed to hold a load of 160 kg. a force horizontally to the axis of 25 kg is allowed. The tension of our string is less than 1 kg. So the air bearing is intentionally oversized about 10 times.

If we now simply would mount this air bearing, the platter could rotate perfectly and without noises and friction. However, would we have the vibration energy generated by tracking the grooves in the platter without any way to be dissipated. This would affect the quality of the play back in a very negative way.
For this reason, we have constructed an axis with a very low adjustable ground pressure over a ceramic ball and a Teflon mirror which can lead the generated vibrations to the tripod and sub chassis..

The overall design of this is a world first in this form.


The platter created by us consists of two components: the support platter to which the air bearing is secured and which is driven by the belt. This support plate is made of aluminum and other metals to gain the necessary weight and inertia. That compound platter is optimized to be free of any resonances and reflections.

On this support plate is, decoupled with spikes the playback platter made of POM, which has been proven for its good sound characteristics already widely. The spikes, made of brass and additional weights, also made of brass help to avoid any resonances.

In "normal" drives the bearing axis is usually also the pin on which the record is fixed. This way any noise from the bearing then is transferred directly to the record !
By the division of the platter, we have this problem completely eliminated.

Also another problem is eliminated: A heavy platter is needed for high inertia, to keep the speed of rotation constant. But in a heavy platter, a lot of energy generated by the vibrations of play back can be stored. This energy is also partly and without control reflected to the record. This effect is frequently heard as a loss of dynamics.

Light weight platters, as used in direct drive turntables or idler drive turntables have a widely spread reputation for sounding more dynamic, cause the lighter platters store less energy.

By our construction we gained the advantages of both principles without the disadvantages of them!

Tone arm base:

This component is usually constructed with conventional products exclusively according to visual criteria. It is this component that is really significant for perfect reproduction. It is crucial that the base fixes the arm completely locally stable relative to the turntable. But to avoid vibrations from motor and bearing to reach the tone arm there also should be some way of decoupling .In addition, the vibration energy generated by the reproduction process must still be discharged in a single and exactly defined way via tone arm and tone arm base.
To meet these requirements, we have designed a new tone arm base: The tone arm itself is fixed on a brass plate with eccentric bore in order to adjust the effective length accurately. (Brass plates for tone arms 9-12 inches in length are custom designed). More than 12 inches bases on request.
This brass plate is suspended on three Kevlar strings in the tube-shaped tone arm base In addition, below the brass plate a substantial counterweight is attached to keep the tone arm in a balanced horizontal position.

In principle, this suspension acts as spikes normally used to work in a horizontal direction: from the tone arm vibration energy can flow through the brass mounting plate and Kevlar strings to the sub-chassis. Interference from the sub-chassis may be transferred only very slightly to the mounting plate.
The complete tone arm base can be exchanged quickly for change of tone arms. All adjustment parameters are not affected by the change. A structure with two tone arms is not possible, since this would contradict the concept of a well-defined single path energy flow. Change of the tone arm can be done in one minute, without changing any adjustment parameters. Thus, a set arm is replaced by another in no time.

Our sub-chassis consists of two parts: Once the tripod: On this the platter bearing and the tone arm base is mounted. The plate which supports these two components is made of different metals, which attenuate each other in their resonance frequencies. The other two arms are made of POM and carbon to ensure a secure footing. Only under the metallic support plate is a brass spike mounted, in order to guarantee a defined energy transfer path. The other two spikes are made of POM and thus acoustically insulating.

This tripod stands on a massive 6-pointed star, which is decoupled with air bearings and pillars of the installation area.

Overall, all parts are made as small as possible in order to provide a low impact surface for airborne sound.
The sub chassis is equipped with a purely mechanical self-adjustment. In this type of building an absolutely unique achievement in building turntables
86 cm width 73 cm depth 39 cm height
250 mm wide x 300 mm deep x 200 mm height
Power supply:
Power supply round (according to the engine can) with a diameter of 150 mm and 200 mm height
Total weight:
Weight 110 kg
33 1/3 U / min and 45 U / min Accuracy 0.01%
Usable tone arm:
9-12 inch length, mounting plates are manufactured to customer specifications.
Power supply:
external 230V / AC / 115 V AC
Surfaces: Standard:
Anodized aluminum or any RAL color.
Other surfaces are practically feasible in every design due to the so far worldwide unique coating technology. Examples: carbon look, wood finish, stone look, self-chosen motifs, stealth, camouflage, and much more.

Última edição por MicroGruas em Qua Mar 18 2015, 15:03, editado 1 vez(es)
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António José da Silva
Membro AAP
António José da Silva

Mensagens : 64575
Data de inscrição : 02/07/2010
Idade : 57
Localização : Quinta do Anjo

physical Emoticons "Caeles". Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: physical Emoticons "Caeles".   physical Emoticons "Caeles". EmptyQua Mar 18 2015, 01:35

Que coisa matacona. lol!

Mas decerto que é grande máquina.

Digital Audio - Like Reassembling A Cow From Mince  physical Emoticons "Caeles". 6xxboo

If what I'm hearing is colouration, then bring on the whole rainbow...

The essential thing is not knowledge, but character.
Joseph Le Conte
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 8270
Data de inscrição : 07/07/2010
Idade : 58
Localização : França

physical Emoticons "Caeles". Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: physical Emoticons "Caeles".   physical Emoticons "Caeles". EmptyQua Mar 18 2015, 11:40

MicroGruas escreveu:
Physical Emotions!!!...
physical Emoticons "Caeles". Zk051x ...

O material alemão é geralmente feio (é um constato...), mas estes gajos véem de fazer ainda mais feio do que o EMT927 (é uma certeza !!!)... affraid

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António José da Silva
Membro AAP
António José da Silva

Mensagens : 64575
Data de inscrição : 02/07/2010
Idade : 57
Localização : Quinta do Anjo

physical Emoticons "Caeles". Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: physical Emoticons "Caeles".   physical Emoticons "Caeles". EmptyQua Mar 18 2015, 12:34

TD124 escreveu:
MicroGruas escreveu:
Physical Emotions!!!...
physical Emoticons "Caeles". Zk051x  ...

O material alemão é geralmente feio (é um constato...), mas estes gajos véem de fazer ainda mais feio do que o EMT927 (é uma certeza !!!)...  affraid


Ao pé disso, o EMT 927/930 é uma obra de arte. physical Emoticons "Caeles". 2912087259


Digital Audio - Like Reassembling A Cow From Mince  physical Emoticons "Caeles". 6xxboo

If what I'm hearing is colouration, then bring on the whole rainbow...

The essential thing is not knowledge, but character.
Joseph Le Conte
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 3209
Data de inscrição : 12/11/2011
Idade : 55
Localização : Oriente

physical Emoticons "Caeles". Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: physical Emoticons "Caeles".   physical Emoticons "Caeles". EmptyQua Mar 18 2015, 15:02

à parte das questões estéticas (o meu EMT 948 é muito mais bonito physical Emoticons "Caeles". 491368 ) , a parte técnica é interessante!

e achei interenssante a dimensao do Pulley!! anormalmente grande!!

physical Emoticons "Caeles". 447836

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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 494
Data de inscrição : 13/03/2012
Localização : Usuário BANIDO

physical Emoticons "Caeles". Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: physical Emoticons "Caeles".   physical Emoticons "Caeles". EmptyQui Mar 19 2015, 03:56

Ok pode ser, mando retirar o frigorífico e meto lá isto Very Happy
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 316
Data de inscrição : 08/09/2011

physical Emoticons "Caeles". Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: physical Emoticons "Caeles".   physical Emoticons "Caeles". EmptySex Mar 20 2015, 16:43

Maravilhoso, sem adjectivos supérfluos!

Deve proporcionar belas "viagens" mas não é um carro..., o preço é pornográfico...
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Mário Franco
Membro AAP
Mário Franco

Mensagens : 2494
Data de inscrição : 27/03/2013
Idade : 65

physical Emoticons "Caeles". Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: physical Emoticons "Caeles".   physical Emoticons "Caeles". EmptySex Mar 20 2015, 17:07

physical Emoticons "Caeles". 754215 Impressionará decerto as visitas

Ainda dizem que os americanos fazem tudo em grande smedley
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 3209
Data de inscrição : 12/11/2011
Idade : 55
Localização : Oriente

physical Emoticons "Caeles". Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: physical Emoticons "Caeles".   physical Emoticons "Caeles". EmptySáb Mar 21 2015, 02:24

lpg escreveu:
Maravilhoso, sem adjectivos supérfluos!

Deve proporcionar belas "viagens" mas não é um carro..., o preço é pornográfico...

Ate que nem é! Comparativamente!

Clearaudio equivalente anda nos 100.000.00€
E mais uns tantos que andam nesta ordem de valores!
Este "só" vai aos 40

physical Emoticons "Caeles". 758687
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 316
Data de inscrição : 08/09/2011

physical Emoticons "Caeles". Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: physical Emoticons "Caeles".   physical Emoticons "Caeles". EmptyDom Mar 22 2015, 21:41

MicroGruas escreveu:

Ate que nem é! Comparativamente!

Clearaudio equivalente anda nos 100.000.00€
E mais uns tantos que andam nesta ordem de valores!
Este "só" vai aos 40

physical Emoticons "Caeles". 758687

Sim, o preço do Statement e outros que tal não é pornográfico está é bastante "adjectivado"!!! ahaha Wink
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 1392
Data de inscrição : 01/08/2013

physical Emoticons "Caeles". Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: physical Emoticons "Caeles".   physical Emoticons "Caeles". EmptyQui Mar 26 2015, 13:59

TD124 escreveu:

O material alemão é geralmente feio (é um constato...).....  affraid


Aheemm, no, sir.

Look here:


and here:


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physical Emoticons "Caeles". Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: physical Emoticons "Caeles".   physical Emoticons "Caeles". Empty

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