Áudio Analógico de Portugal
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Áudio Analógico de Portugal

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Áudio Analógico de Portugal
Bem vindo / Welcome / Willkommen / Bienvenu

Áudio Analógico de Portugal

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Áudio Analógico de Portugal
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Fórum para a preservação e divulgação do áudio analógico, e não só...


 A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club.

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António José da Silva
8 participantes
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 3209
Data de inscrição : 12/11/2011
Idade : 55
Localização : Oriente

A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. Empty
MensagemAssunto: A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club.   A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. EmptyDom Dez 08 2013, 00:47


A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. Wq87

A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. Q9ve

A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. Jsms

A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. Gedd
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 3209
Data de inscrição : 12/11/2011
Idade : 55
Localização : Oriente

A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club.   A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. EmptyDom Dez 08 2013, 01:04

A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 5taw

A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. Rg4w

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António José da Silva
Membro AAP
António José da Silva

Mensagens : 64575
Data de inscrição : 02/07/2010
Idade : 57
Localização : Quinta do Anjo

A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club.   A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. EmptyDom Dez 08 2013, 08:33

Que grande e belo calhamaço. A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 754215 

E que tal isso a debitar musica?

Digital Audio - Like Reassembling A Cow From Mince  A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 6xxboo

If what I'm hearing is colouration, then bring on the whole rainbow...

The essential thing is not knowledge, but character.
Joseph Le Conte
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 3209
Data de inscrição : 12/11/2011
Idade : 55
Localização : Oriente

A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club.   A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. EmptyDom Dez 08 2013, 14:10

Testing!!! primeiro com low quality tapes, e depois parto para as de 10" da Sony FeCr, TDK.

Já sou fã! gravar os Cds é a utilidade!
A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 22692 
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 3209
Data de inscrição : 12/11/2011
Idade : 55
Localização : Oriente

A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club.   A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. EmptyDom Dez 08 2013, 14:16

A gravar Amy WineHouse como teste!

Aguardo os Hubs para os reels de 10" (adaptador). e como corre a tua fase RtR? estas a dar-te bem com o Teac?

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António José da Silva
Membro AAP
António José da Silva

Mensagens : 64575
Data de inscrição : 02/07/2010
Idade : 57
Localização : Quinta do Anjo

A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club.   A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. EmptyDom Dez 08 2013, 14:17

MicroGruas escreveu:
Testing!!! primeiro com low quality tapes, e depois parto para as de 10" da Sony FeCr, TDK.

Já sou fã! gravar os Cds é a utilidade!
A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 22692 
Eu gravei uns ficheiros porreiros, e fico fixe.

Digital Audio - Like Reassembling A Cow From Mince  A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 6xxboo

If what I'm hearing is colouration, then bring on the whole rainbow...

The essential thing is not knowledge, but character.
Joseph Le Conte
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 3209
Data de inscrição : 12/11/2011
Idade : 55
Localização : Oriente

A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club.   A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. EmptyDom Dez 08 2013, 15:08

A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 1ffu

A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 1lsp

A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. W80

Ir para o topo Ir para baixo
António José da Silva
Membro AAP
António José da Silva

Mensagens : 64575
Data de inscrição : 02/07/2010
Idade : 57
Localização : Quinta do Anjo

A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club.   A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. EmptyDom Dez 08 2013, 15:12

Bonito. A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 754215 

Olha que isso pode tornar-se viciante. A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 491368 

Digital Audio - Like Reassembling A Cow From Mince  A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 6xxboo

If what I'm hearing is colouration, then bring on the whole rainbow...

The essential thing is not knowledge, but character.
Joseph Le Conte
Ir para o topo Ir para baixo
Membro AAP

Mensagens : 15388
Data de inscrição : 02/07/2010
Idade : 62
Localização : Scalabicastro, naquele Jardim á beira, mal plantado

A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club.   A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. EmptyDom Dez 08 2013, 15:14

Isso é um maquinão fora de série !!
Parabéns !!!
A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 22692 
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 2309
Data de inscrição : 17/06/2012

A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club.   A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. EmptyDom Dez 08 2013, 15:24

Parabéns pelo maquinão ! A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 754215 

Agora falta o mais difícil...

Arranjar fitas virgens das boas...!

Sabes usar o forno ?A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 265963 

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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 2309
Data de inscrição : 17/06/2012

A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club.   A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. EmptyDom Dez 08 2013, 15:29


Ir para o topo Ir para baixo
António José da Silva
Membro AAP
António José da Silva

Mensagens : 64575
Data de inscrição : 02/07/2010
Idade : 57
Localização : Quinta do Anjo

A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club.   A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. EmptyDom Dez 08 2013, 15:36

afonso escreveu:

Arranjar fitas virgens das boas...!


Digital Audio - Like Reassembling A Cow From Mince  A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 6xxboo

If what I'm hearing is colouration, then bring on the whole rainbow...

The essential thing is not knowledge, but character.
Joseph Le Conte
Ir para o topo Ir para baixo
Membro AAP

Mensagens : 3209
Data de inscrição : 12/11/2011
Idade : 55
Localização : Oriente

A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club.   A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. EmptyDom Dez 08 2013, 18:18

António José da Silva escreveu:
afonso escreveu:

Arranjar fitas virgens das boas...!


Já experimentaste as fitas?
Ir para o topo Ir para baixo
António José da Silva
Membro AAP
António José da Silva

Mensagens : 64575
Data de inscrição : 02/07/2010
Idade : 57
Localização : Quinta do Anjo

A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club.   A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. EmptyDom Dez 08 2013, 18:27

MicroGruas escreveu:
António José da Silva escreveu:
afonso escreveu:

Arranjar fitas virgens das boas...!

Já experimentaste as fitas?

Não, a minha experiência resume-se a ouvir e a gravar numa destas.


Digital Audio - Like Reassembling A Cow From Mince  A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 6xxboo

If what I'm hearing is colouration, then bring on the whole rainbow...

The essential thing is not knowledge, but character.
Joseph Le Conte
Ir para o topo Ir para baixo
Membro AAP

Mensagens : 3209
Data de inscrição : 12/11/2011
Idade : 55
Localização : Oriente

A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club.   A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. EmptyQua Dez 11 2013, 00:17

The Heads!!

A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 4nvq

A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. Zlyj

A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 3tyj

A começar a "bombar" !

A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. Vlvm

A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. Xtxf

 A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 22692 

Ir para o topo Ir para baixo
Membro AAP

Mensagens : 3209
Data de inscrição : 12/11/2011
Idade : 55
Localização : Oriente

A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club.   A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. EmptyQua Dez 11 2013, 00:27

e ainda não passei as fitas mais sérias!  

estou a adorar o meu presente de natal antecipado!!!!

é mesmo bom!

A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. R5oe

Última edição por MicroGruas em Qui Dez 12 2013, 00:07, editado 1 vez(es)
Ir para o topo Ir para baixo
António José da Silva
Membro AAP
António José da Silva

Mensagens : 64575
Data de inscrição : 02/07/2010
Idade : 57
Localização : Quinta do Anjo

A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club.   A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. EmptyQua Dez 11 2013, 05:10

Essas cabeças parecem ter mais anos de vida que nós.  lol! Isso está impéc.

Força nisso e vai contando sobre o que pensas sobre esse maquinão e as tuas experiências.

Digital Audio - Like Reassembling A Cow From Mince  A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 6xxboo

If what I'm hearing is colouration, then bring on the whole rainbow...

The essential thing is not knowledge, but character.
Joseph Le Conte
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Luis Filipe Goios
Membro AAP
Luis Filipe Goios

Mensagens : 10506
Data de inscrição : 27/10/2010
Idade : 66
Localização : Lanhelas - Minho

A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club.   A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. EmptyQua Dez 11 2013, 12:13

A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 754215 
Bonito o "bicharoco"..., mas, esse "estaleiro" do lado esq., com essas "gruas" todas, e outro "contentor" com braço... já estou com os "olhos tortos" ... ora são as "luzinhas", ora são os "cromados", ora são as "gruas"...
isso é impróprio para "menores" de idade como eu ...
Isso a "bombar" é que é preciso. Lindos!!!
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 3209
Data de inscrição : 12/11/2011
Idade : 55
Localização : Oriente

A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club.   A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. EmptyQui Dez 19 2013, 18:08

A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. Mhrl

É a 117v, o transformador tem de ser a 220V para 117V ou pode ser o de 220V-110V?

é desta geringonça!
A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. L06o

A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 55or

Ir para o topo Ir para baixo
Membro AAP

Mensagens : 15388
Data de inscrição : 02/07/2010
Idade : 62
Localização : Scalabicastro, naquele Jardim á beira, mal plantado

A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club.   A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. EmptyQui Dez 19 2013, 18:21

Não me parece que 7 Volt a menos faça alguma diferença...
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Duarte Rosa
Membro AAP
Duarte Rosa

Mensagens : 2033
Data de inscrição : 27/12/2011
Idade : 48
Localização : Abrantes

A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club.   A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. EmptyQui Dez 19 2013, 18:28

So hoje vi este topico!!!!

Parabéns, bela maquina  A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 754215 

E como ficam as gravações dos CDs? fiquem curioso  A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 447836 

As fitas são novas ou NOS?
Ir para o topo Ir para baixo
Membro AAP

Mensagens : 3209
Data de inscrição : 12/11/2011
Idade : 55
Localização : Oriente

A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club.   A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. EmptyQui Dez 19 2013, 18:42

Duarte Rosa escreveu:
So hoje vi este topico!!!!

Parabéns, bela maquina  A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 754215 

E como ficam as gravações dos CDs? fiquem curioso  A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 447836 

As fitas são novas ou NOS?

Só nos ultimos dias iniciei as gravações experimentais nas fitas Maxell. São fitas já gravadas. As de 5" nem as vou usar mais! borram a pintura toda (as cabeças!) são ja velhotas. Se calhar vou ter de as "cozer"!!!! lol! 

Agora estou a realizar as experiencias com as de Fitas mais sérias. Ver/ouvir os niveis de gravação e posso dizer que estou deveras surpreendido!

Always in the red Line!!!! A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 491368  e sem distorçao no meu ouvido! Sem ruido ! muito bom!

Tenho uma Maxell virgem, que depois digo como correu!
Mas pelos vistos vou entrar em despesas com fitas!!!!

Para quem não experimentou um RtR, aconselho vivamente (quem possa!!)
O down side desta brincadeira é o preço das fitas!!!!

Mas para mim justifica.
Mas é um projecto para se ir realizando!

Muito ainda tenho que aprender! Muito mesmo.  A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 491368 

mas porra que isto tem mesmo bom som!!!

 A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 491368 A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 491368 
Ir para o topo Ir para baixo
Membro AAP

Mensagens : 3209
Data de inscrição : 12/11/2011
Idade : 55
Localização : Oriente

A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club.   A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. EmptyQui Dez 19 2013, 18:46

Milton escreveu:
Não me parece que 7 Volt a menos faça alguma diferença...

Costumas desmagnetizar as tuas cabeças (  A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 758687  ) com que periodicidade? se é que o fazes?

Li o manual de instruções do Teac desmagnetizador, e aconselha faze-lo sempre que se faz uma gravação!! A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 447836 

e pelo menos com intervalo nas de Playback de 50 horas?

 A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 447836 
Ir para o topo Ir para baixo
António José da Silva
Membro AAP
António José da Silva

Mensagens : 64575
Data de inscrição : 02/07/2010
Idade : 57
Localização : Quinta do Anjo

A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club.   A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. EmptyQui Dez 19 2013, 18:54

MicroGruas escreveu:

...mas porra que isto tem mesmo bom som!!!

 A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 491368 A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 491368 

Também fiquei bastante surpreendido, é mesmo excelente.

Digital Audio - Like Reassembling A Cow From Mince  A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 6xxboo

If what I'm hearing is colouration, then bring on the whole rainbow...

The essential thing is not knowledge, but character.
Joseph Le Conte
Ir para o topo Ir para baixo
Membro AAP

Mensagens : 15388
Data de inscrição : 02/07/2010
Idade : 62
Localização : Scalabicastro, naquele Jardim á beira, mal plantado

A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club.   A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. EmptyQui Dez 19 2013, 19:12

MicroGruas escreveu:
Milton escreveu:
Não me parece que 7 Volt a menos faça alguma diferença...

Costumas desmagnetizar as tuas cabeças (  A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 758687  ) com que periodicidade? se é que o fazes?

Li o manual de instruções do Teac desmagnetizador, e aconselha faze-lo sempre que se faz uma gravação!! A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 447836 

e pelo menos com intervalo nas de Playback de 50 horas?

 A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 447836 
Nunca desmagnetizei as minhas desde que ele veio da revisão, mas depois de lêr o que escreveste, lá vou ter que comprar uma m&#%ice dessas....

Ainda hoje estava a falar com um amigo acerca da qualidade dos RTR e a minha opinião é que a fita faz soar melhor qualquer que seja o suporte original .
Não estou a dizer que melhora o som original, apenas que fica a soar melhor...
Ir para o topo Ir para baixo
Membro AAP

Mensagens : 3209
Data de inscrição : 12/11/2011
Idade : 55
Localização : Oriente

A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club.   A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. EmptyQui Dez 19 2013, 21:22

Milton escreveu:

Não estou a dizer que melhora o som original, apenas que fica a soar melhor...

 A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 22692 

Não quero nesta fase de entusiasmo inicial, não queria tomar já essa posição, mas que me agrada de sobre maneira, agrada!

 A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 22692 

Mas o meu setup, Micro/RS-A1/FR-1/AT transformer/SonicFontiers tb me deixa siderado pela Musicalidade!

Ainda vou gravar Vinil em fita para experimentar.
Mas no CD, deixa-o "ouvivél". E posso dizer que o "sistema" digital" foi "montado" para ser "ouvido". E no caso agora para ser gravado!! A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 22692 

Uma questão:
O RtR dvem ser colocado na vertical ou horizontal? ou é indiferente?

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António José da Silva
Membro AAP
António José da Silva

Mensagens : 64575
Data de inscrição : 02/07/2010
Idade : 57
Localização : Quinta do Anjo

A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club.   A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. EmptyQui Dez 19 2013, 21:24

MicroGruas escreveu:

Uma questão:
O RtR dvem ser colocado na vertical ou horizontal? ou é indiferente?

O fabricante especifica de é só para uma coisa ou se permite ambas as situações. No caso do meu TEAC, dá para ambas.

Digital Audio - Like Reassembling A Cow From Mince  A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 6xxboo

If what I'm hearing is colouration, then bring on the whole rainbow...

The essential thing is not knowledge, but character.
Joseph Le Conte
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 3209
Data de inscrição : 12/11/2011
Idade : 55
Localização : Oriente

A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club.   A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. EmptyQui Dez 19 2013, 21:32

António José da Silva escreveu:
MicroGruas escreveu:

Uma questão:
O RtR dvem ser colocado na vertical ou horizontal? ou é indiferente?

O fabricante especifica de é só para uma coisa ou se permite ambas as situações. No caso do meu TEAC, dá para ambas.

 A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 317942 A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 317942 A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 317942 

Tenho a mania que sou esperto!!!! não li o manual!!! então as primeiras recomendações de inicio, fico cego pra elas

 A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 265963 

è como o teu! Goes both ways!!! A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 265963 

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António José da Silva
Membro AAP
António José da Silva

Mensagens : 64575
Data de inscrição : 02/07/2010
Idade : 57
Localização : Quinta do Anjo

A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club.   A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. EmptyQui Dez 19 2013, 21:33

MicroGruas escreveu:

è como o teu! Goes both ways!!! A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 265963 

Claro, sempre peixe também enjoa.  A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 758687 

Digital Audio - Like Reassembling A Cow From Mince  A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 6xxboo

If what I'm hearing is colouration, then bring on the whole rainbow...

The essential thing is not knowledge, but character.
Joseph Le Conte
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 3209
Data de inscrição : 12/11/2011
Idade : 55
Localização : Oriente

A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club.   A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. EmptyQui Dez 19 2013, 21:35

 Shocked  Shocked  affraid  affraid  Shocked  Shocked 

Que gozo! Amazed!!

 A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 3832313845  A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 3832313845  Orquestra  Orquestra  A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 3832313845 

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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 314
Data de inscrição : 19/05/2012
Idade : 44
Localização : Aveiro

A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club.   A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. EmptyQui Dez 19 2013, 22:26

MicroGruas escreveu:
Milton escreveu:
MicroGruas escreveu:
Milton escreveu:

Não estou a dizer que melhora o som original, apenas que fica a soar melhor...

 A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 22692 

Não quero nesta fase de entusiasmo inicial, não queria tomar já essa posição, mas que me agrada de sobre maneira, agrada!

 A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 22692 

Mas o meu setup, Micro/RS-A1/FR-1/AT transformer/SonicFontiers tb me deixa siderado pela Musicalidade!

Ainda vou gravar Vinil em fita para experimentar.
Mas no CD, deixa-o "ouvivél". E posso dizer que o "sistema" digital" foi "montado" para ser "ouvido". E no caso agora para ser gravado!! A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 22692 

Uma questão:
O RtR dvem ser colocado na vertical ou horizontal? ou é indiferente?

Os meus caros desculpar-me-ão pela provocação, mas parece-me que estão a descrever um equalizador.... A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 936335 
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 3209
Data de inscrição : 12/11/2011
Idade : 55
Localização : Oriente

A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club.   A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. EmptyQui Dez 19 2013, 23:09

greytear escreveu:

Os meus caros desculpar-me-ão pela provocação, mas parece-me que estão a descrever um equalizador.... A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 936335 

 A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 22692 

Se calhar  A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 265963 A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 265963 A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 265963 A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 265963 
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António José da Silva
Membro AAP
António José da Silva

Mensagens : 64575
Data de inscrição : 02/07/2010
Idade : 57
Localização : Quinta do Anjo

A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club.   A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. EmptySex Dez 20 2013, 08:40

No caso de ser equalizador, é mesmo dos bons.  A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 933723 

Digital Audio - Like Reassembling A Cow From Mince  A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 6xxboo

If what I'm hearing is colouration, then bring on the whole rainbow...

The essential thing is not knowledge, but character.
Joseph Le Conte
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 1384
Data de inscrição : 07/11/2010
Idade : 59
Localização : Vale da Amendoeira.

A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club.   A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. EmptySex Dez 20 2013, 23:05

Nos sistemas analógicos de registo áudio, o que não faltam são estágios de "Equalização" aka "Igualização".
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 1384
Data de inscrição : 07/11/2010
Idade : 59
Localização : Vale da Amendoeira.

A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club.   A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. EmptySex Dez 20 2013, 23:08

MicroGruas escreveu:
António José da Silva escreveu:
MicroGruas escreveu:

Uma questão:
O RtR dvem ser colocado na vertical ou horizontal? ou é indiferente?

O fabricante especifica de é só para uma coisa ou se permite ambas as situações. No caso do meu TEAC, dá para ambas.

 A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 317942 A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 317942 A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 317942 

Tenho a mania que sou esperto!!!! não li o manual!!!  então as primeiras recomendações de inicio, fico cego pra elas

 A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 265963 

è como o teu! Goes both ways!!! A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 265963 

A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 265963
Com a frente para baixo é que não dá!
A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 933723

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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 3209
Data de inscrição : 12/11/2011
Idade : 55
Localização : Oriente

A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club.   A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. EmptySáb Dez 21 2013, 22:11

MicroGruas escreveu:
Milton escreveu:
Não me parece que 7 Volt a menos faça alguma diferença...

Costumas desmagnetizar as tuas cabeças (  A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 758687  ) com que periodicidade? se é que o fazes?

Li o manual de instruções do Teac desmagnetizador, e aconselha faze-lo sempre que se faz uma gravação!! A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 447836 

e pelo menos com intervalo nas de Playback de 50 horas?

 A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 447836 

A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. F4zt

O manual do RtR refere a desmagnetização 1 a 2 vezes ano! vamos lá perceber!!

Algum entendido? por via das duvidas nem tanto á terra nem tanto ao mar.

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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 3209
Data de inscrição : 12/11/2011
Idade : 55
Localização : Oriente

A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club.   A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. EmptySáb Dez 21 2013, 22:15

Testing! Testing!

Dee Dee BridgeWater, Jane Monheit e alberta Hunter

A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. Yjqi

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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 3209
Data de inscrição : 12/11/2011
Idade : 55
Localização : Oriente

A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. Empty
MensagemAssunto: fitas RtR.   A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. EmptySeg Dez 23 2013, 17:34

Descobri este site


tem fitas e cabeças de substituição para algumas marcas (Otari, Studer, Ampex, Sony, Tascam/Teac e outras).

SM-900 1/4"X1200' 7" Plastic Reel Box "NEW"
SM900 1/4'X2500' 10.5 Metal Reel Box
SM900 1/4'X2500' 10.5 Plastic Reel
SM900 1/4" x 2500 HUB ECO Pack
SM900 1/2"X2500' 10.5 Metal Reel Box
SM900 1/2"X2500' 10.5 HUB Box
SM900 1"X2500' 10.5 Metal Reel Box
SM900 2X"X2500' 10.5 Metal Reel Box
SM900 2"X5000' 14 Metal Reel Box
Flange Kit (2) 10.5 Metal Flanges & Screws

SM911 1/4" X 600' Plastic Reel Hinged Box
SM911 1/4"X1200 7" Plastic Reel Hinged Box
SM911 1/4"X2500 10.5 Plastic Reel Hinged Box
SM911 1/4"X2500' 10.5 Plastic Reel ECO PACK
SM911 1/4"X2500' 10.5" Metal Reel Box
SM911 1/4"X2500' 10.5 Hub ECO Pack
SM911 1/2"X2500' 10.5 Metal Reel Box
SM-911 1/2" x 2500' HUB Hinged Box
SM911 1"X2500' 10.5 Metal Reel Box
SM911 2"X2500' 10.5 Metal Reel Box
SM911 2"X5000' 14 Metal Reel Box
Flange Kit (2) 10.5 Metal Flanges & Screws

SM468 1/4"X600' 5" REEL Hinged Box
SM468 1/4"X1200' 7" REEL Hinged Box
SM468 1/4"X2500 10.5" Plastic Reel Hinged Bo
SM468 1/4"X2500 10.5" Plastic Reel ECO PACK
SM468 1/4"X2500' Metal Reel Box
SM468 1/4"X2500' 10.5" HUB Box
SM468 1/2"X2500' 10.5 Metal Reel Box
SM468 1"X2500 10.5 Metal Reel Box
SM468 2"X2500' 10.5 Metal Reel Box
SM911 2"X5000' 14 Metal Reel Box
Flange Kit (2) 10.5 Metal Flanges & Screws

LPR-35 1/4' X 885' 5" Plastic Reel Box
LPR 35 1/4" X 1800 7" Reel Box
LPR 35 1/4 X 3600 10.5 Plastic Reel Box
LPR 35 1/4" X 3600 Metal Reel Box
LPR 35 1/4" X 3600 HUB Box

1/4" x 820' NAB HUB Transparent Leader (POLY)
1/4" x 820' NAB HUB Green Leader (POLY)
1/4" x 820' NAB HUB White Leader (POLY)
1/4" x 820' NAB HUB Red Leader (POLY)
1/2" x 820' NAB HUB Transparent Leader (POLY)
1/2" x 820' NAB HUB Green Leader (POLY)
1/2" x 820' NAB HUB White Leader (POLY)
1/2" x 820' NAB HUB Red Leader (POLY)
1" x 820' NAB HUB Transparent Leader (POLY)
1" x 820' NAB HUB Green Leader (POLY)
1" x 820' NAB HUB White Leader (POLY)
1" x 820 NAB HUB RED Leader (POLY)
2" x 820 NAB HUB Transparent Leader (POLY)
2" x 820 NAB HUB Green Leader (POLY)
2" x 820 NAB HUB White Leader (POLY)
2" x 820' NAB HUB Red Leader (POLY)
1/4" x 82' Splicing Tape (5.8mm)
1/2" x 82'Splicing Tape (12.mm)
1" x 82' Splicing Tape (24mm)
5" 1/4" SMALL HUB Plastic Reel in Blue Hinged Box
7" 1/4" SMALL HUB Plastic Reel in Blue Hinged Box
10.5" 1/4" SMALL HUB Plastic Reel in Blue Hinged Box
Price list effective 1/1/11
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 3209
Data de inscrição : 12/11/2011
Idade : 55
Localização : Oriente

A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club.   A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. EmptySeg Dez 23 2013, 17:44


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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 3209
Data de inscrição : 12/11/2011
Idade : 55
Localização : Oriente

A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club.   A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. EmptySeg Dez 23 2013, 17:56


Nothing Sounds Like Tape
Why does music recorded on analog tape sound so good?

To understand why, a professional tape recorder provides the most lifelike reproduction revolves around a couple of important factors. The key lies in the inherent technology of the tape itself. Audio tape in use during the 1950s and ’60s provided approximately 65,000,000 magnetic particles per second of recording a quarter inch format at 15 inches per second (ips) tape speed. Each magnetic oxide particle or groups of particles takes on either a north or south orientation after exiting the recording head. Starting to sound like digital bit stream? Well yes and no. However there is one huge difference between analog tape recordings and even the best digital recordings.

The highest digital resolution today offers 4,608,000 bits switching per second. Not bad. Big improvement over the standard Red Book CD but it is not even close to sub-micron particle resolution of ATR Master Tape.

Random Particle Stacking
Quarter inch, two track ATR Master Tape running at 15 inches per second (ips) involves approximately 80,000,000 oriented and randomly stacked particles per track second. It’s not just the particle count but the random stacking that turns this super binary resolution into pure analog playback. This is why even a narrow track width recording still sounds so detailed despite the lower surface area.

Music is an intrinsic part of the human soul. It plays to our emotions, it talks to us, it calms us, it makes us rise to our greatest accomplishments and brings back our warmest memories. Why not record it on the best medium to achieve the best quality of sound?

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António José da Silva
Membro AAP
António José da Silva

Mensagens : 64575
Data de inscrição : 02/07/2010
Idade : 57
Localização : Quinta do Anjo

A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club.   A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. EmptySeg Dez 23 2013, 18:01

Esse site é bastante útil.  A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 754215 

Digital Audio - Like Reassembling A Cow From Mince  A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 6xxboo

If what I'm hearing is colouration, then bring on the whole rainbow...

The essential thing is not knowledge, but character.
Joseph Le Conte
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 3209
Data de inscrição : 12/11/2011
Idade : 55
Localização : Oriente

A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club.   A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. EmptySeg Dez 23 2013, 18:08

Existe ainda um tema que vou ver se descubro!

A espessura da fita (não a largura). Qual a relevância na qualidade.

Isto das fitas é um mundo que agora inicio a descoberta!

Como por exemplo as diferenças na qualidade de som entre um 2 track e um 4 track! embora mais caro na utilização das fitas!

Enfim, sempre a aprender! e ainda vou na epigrafe!!!!

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António José da Silva
Membro AAP
António José da Silva

Mensagens : 64575
Data de inscrição : 02/07/2010
Idade : 57
Localização : Quinta do Anjo

A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club.   A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. EmptySeg Dez 23 2013, 18:14

MicroGruas escreveu:
Existe ainda um tema que vou ver se descubro!

A espessura da fita (não a largura). Qual a relevância na qualidade.

Isto das fitas é um mundo que agora inicio a descoberta!

Como por exemplo as diferenças na qualidade de som entre um 2 track e um 4 track! embora mais caro na utilização das fitas!

Enfim, sempre a aprender! e ainda vou na epigrafe!!!!

Segundo me foi dito por quem entende de fitas, num aparelho tecnicamente em condições, os de duas pistas não têm uma vantagem assim tão audível, sendo a maior diferença na velocidade.
E para um consumo domestico, os de 4 são bem mais "cómodos" do que os de 2 pistas.
Em relação à espessura da fita, penso que terá mais a ver com robustez.

Digital Audio - Like Reassembling A Cow From Mince  A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 6xxboo

If what I'm hearing is colouration, then bring on the whole rainbow...

The essential thing is not knowledge, but character.
Joseph Le Conte
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 3209
Data de inscrição : 12/11/2011
Idade : 55
Localização : Oriente

A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. Empty
MensagemAssunto: Lixaram-me!!!   A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. EmptyDom Abr 27 2014, 11:46


"Hey i am thinking about recalibrating my Studer A 80 for the RMG SM 900 .
Do you work with other tape formulations too ? Can you try to " explain " the sound difference between sm 468 , SM 911 and SM 900 .
I am using sometimes per 528 and it is much darker sounding than sm 468 but saturate much earlier .


Tou tramado! A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 317942  A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 317942 

Agora vou ter um RtR generalista e outro calibrado esepecificamente para um determinado tipo de fita (para os melhores resultados!!)
 A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 491368  A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 491368   A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 758687 

 A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 1290056511  A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 1290056511 

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António José da Silva
Membro AAP
António José da Silva

Mensagens : 64575
Data de inscrição : 02/07/2010
Idade : 57
Localização : Quinta do Anjo

A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club.   A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. EmptyDom Abr 27 2014, 11:54

Se entras por ai, estás feito.  A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 933723 

Digital Audio - Like Reassembling A Cow From Mince  A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 6xxboo

If what I'm hearing is colouration, then bring on the whole rainbow...

The essential thing is not knowledge, but character.
Joseph Le Conte
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 3209
Data de inscrição : 12/11/2011
Idade : 55
Localização : Oriente

A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club.   A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. EmptyDom Abr 27 2014, 12:01

A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 317942 

Telefunken M10, Telefunken M21s, Studer A 807, Studer A80

 A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 491368 

ou é uma desculpa para comprar outro? Pareço uma gaja e o vicio das compras!! A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 758687

Última edição por MicroGruas em Dom Abr 27 2014, 12:04, editado 1 vez(es)
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António José da Silva
Membro AAP
António José da Silva

Mensagens : 64575
Data de inscrição : 02/07/2010
Idade : 57
Localização : Quinta do Anjo

A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club.   A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. EmptyDom Abr 27 2014, 12:03

MicroGruas escreveu:
A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 317942 

Telefunken M10, Telefunken M21s, Studer A 807, Studer A80

 A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 491368 

ou é uma desculpa para comprar outro? Pareço uma gaja e o vivio das compras!! A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 758687 

Tens a possibilidade de comprar um desses?

Digital Audio - Like Reassembling A Cow From Mince  A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 6xxboo

If what I'm hearing is colouration, then bring on the whole rainbow...

The essential thing is not knowledge, but character.
Joseph Le Conte
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 3209
Data de inscrição : 12/11/2011
Idade : 55
Localização : Oriente

A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club.   A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. EmptyDom Abr 27 2014, 12:12

Não propriamente baratos.

Talvez o mais inacessivel seja o A80 (€€ e espaço), O Studer C37 (seria a cereja no topo do bolo)
Mas os AEG Telefunken M21,ou M15


Consta que as mecanicas dos Studer sao melhores, mas as electronicas e qualidade de som dos Telefunken são melhores!

E depois temos os DENON DN-3602 RG! Só de transporte! Upa! Upa! mas ando a ver se vejo um com colocação em Macau incluida!
Ir para o topo Ir para baixo
António José da Silva
Membro AAP
António José da Silva

Mensagens : 64575
Data de inscrição : 02/07/2010
Idade : 57
Localização : Quinta do Anjo

A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club.   A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. EmptyDom Abr 27 2014, 14:00

MicroGruas escreveu:
Não propriamente baratos.

Talvez o mais inacessivel seja o A80 (€€ e espaço), O Studer C37 (seria a cereja no topo do bolo)
Mas os AEG Telefunken M21,ou M15


Consta que as mecanicas dos Studer sao melhores, mas as electronicas e qualidade de som dos Telefunken são melhores!

E depois temos os DENON DN-3602 RG! Só de transporte! Upa! Upa! mas ando a ver se vejo um com colocação em Macau incluida!

Pelo que tenho lido, o M15 é do melhor que se pode ter em RtR.

Digital Audio - Like Reassembling A Cow From Mince  A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 6xxboo

If what I'm hearing is colouration, then bring on the whole rainbow...

The essential thing is not knowledge, but character.
Joseph Le Conte
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 15388
Data de inscrição : 02/07/2010
Idade : 62
Localização : Scalabicastro, naquele Jardim á beira, mal plantado

A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club.   A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. EmptyDom Abr 27 2014, 14:25

Para fazeres gravações com uma qualidade soberba chega-te bem esse RtR que já tens.
Mas se queres ir mais além deves ir para um 2 pistas e com a velocidade 30ips, calibrado para uma fita da qual saibas que há à venda e convem comprares logo uma porrada de fitas....porque a 30ips e só em duas pistas aquilo devora fita !!!

 A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. 22692 
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Conteúdo patrocinado

A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club.   A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club. Empty

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A new Toy has arrived!!! and a new member in the RtR Club.
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