Áudio Analógico de Portugal
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Áudio Analógico de Portugal

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Áudio Analógico de Portugal
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Áudio Analógico de Portugal

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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 3642
Data de inscrição : 08/11/2010
Idade : 80
Localização : Stª Maria de Belém, Lisboa

Parabéns  CLAUDIO  ABBADO!!! Empty
MensagemAssunto: Parabéns CLAUDIO ABBADO!!!   Parabéns  CLAUDIO  ABBADO!!! EmptyDom Jun 30 2013, 04:06

Completou 80 anos no passado dia 26/6!!
Parabéns  CLAUDIO  ABBADO!!! 2056669017 

Muitos consideram-no a maior batuta do sec.XX...
Detentor de vários grammy's
E ainda mexe!!
Parabéns  CLAUDIO  ABBADO!!! 874774 
Deo Gratias...

Abbado’s statement of intent has been borne out in a lifetime of revelatory performances and recordings. Familiar music, whether by Beethoven, Mussorgsky or Debussy, has been given fresh colour, clarity and rhythmic vitality, while neglected scores by Verdi, Rossini and others have taken their rightful place in the repertoire again. Anti-autocratic, profoundly human and supremely musical, Abbado has striven to place music within the wider artistic context as well as championing 20th-century figures from the giants of the Second Viennese School to the leading composers of modern Italy and making his personal exploration of the symphonic world of Mahler.

1955: Finishes his studies at the conservatory in Milan (composition, piano and conducting) and attends afterwards the Vienna Music Academy until 1957.
1958: Winner of the Koussevitzky Competition in Tanglewood; operatic début with Prokofiev’s The Love for Three Oranges in Trieste.
1960: Début at the Teatro alla Scala.
1965: Début at the Salzburg Festival.
1967: Starts collaboration with Decca and Deutsche Grammophon, during which he records the complete symphonies of Beethoven, Brahms, Mahler, Mendelssohn and Schubert.
1969–86: Resident Conductor, from 1971 Music Director and from 1980 Chief Conductor at La Scala.
1978: Co-founder of the European Union Youth Orchestra and their Music Director until 1994.
1979–86: Principal Conductor of the London Symphony Orchestra, from 1983 their Music Director.
1981: Collaborates on the founding of the Chamber Orchestra of Europe.
1982–85: Principal Guest Conductor of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra.
1986: Founder of the Gustav Mahler Jugendorchester.
1986–91: Music Director of the Vienna Staatsoper.
1990–2002: Succeeds Karajan as Chief Conductor of the Berliner Philharmoniker.
1997: The Mahler Chamber Orchestra is founded on his initiative.
2000: Diagnosticado e operado  extensivamente a um cancro no estômago, felizmente  recuperando notàvelmente!!
2003: Together with Michael Haefliger he establishes the Lucerne Festival Orchestra, made up of members of the Mahler Chamber Orchestra with internationally known soloists as principal players.
2010: Cycle Mahler international tour
2012 : Abbado is voted into the Gramophone Hall of Fame, and is awarded the conductor prize at the Royal Philharmonic Society Music Awards.


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