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 Classic Record

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António José da Silva
Membro AAP
António José da Silva

Mensagens : 64575
Data de inscrição : 02/07/2010
Idade : 57
Localização : Quinta do Anjo

Classic Record Empty
MensagemAssunto: Classic Record   Classic Record EmptyTer Jul 27 2010, 16:44

A Acoustic Sounds/Analogue Productions passou a ser dona da Classic Record. Numa altura em que se temia pela futuro desta empresa que se têm preocupado como poucas pela qualidade do seu produto, parece que afinal não há nada a temer.


Classic Records Acquired by Acoustic Sounds
Chad Kassem's Acoustic Sounds has purchased audiophile industry leader Classic Records. "This is a big acquisition for Acoustic which will enable us to further increase our presence and reputation in the audiophile vinyl market worldwide," according to Kassem. Over the years, Classic Records consistently was able to license the top titles that audiophiles wanted. Since that momentous announcement of the RCA Living Stereo reissue series in January 1994, Acoustic Sounds has been an admirer and strong supporter of the quality products produced by Classic Records. Classic has always been innovative and has set new standards for sound quality. Hobson always pushed the envelope to improve Classic's products instead of just accepting the current standards. It is an honor to now own Classic, and I intend to continue to use the innovations that Classic pioneered and the high standards they established, said Kassem.

Michael Hobson, who founded Classic Records in 1994, will continue in an advisory role to Acoustic Sounds to ensure a smooth transition.

"Classic Records has always been driven by my desire to make the best sounding records possible, and to that end we have successfully innovated over the years such that we are now able to make an LP that sounds better than when we started 17 years ago. I have worked with Chad for over 20 years and have seen Acoustic Sounds grow into a powerhouse in the audiophile market. In many ways having Classic Records join the Acoustic Sounds empire is a logical progression and makes a lot of sense strategically. I am confident that Chad and Acoustic Sounds will carry on in the Classic tradition of the pursuit of sound excellence, and I am committed to making sure that our knowledge base and experience transfers completely", said Hobson.
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