| MM vs. MI vs. MC | |
Autor | Mensagem |
mannitheear Membro AAP
Mensagens : 1392 Data de inscrição : 01/08/2013
| Assunto: MM vs. MI vs. MC Qua Fev 12 2020, 08:07 | |
| Manufacturer Goldring has nicely made animated pictures on their website which show very nice the different working principles of MI, MM and MC cartridges! MI: MM: MC: https://www.goldring.co.uk/ | |
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José Miguel Membro AAP
Mensagens : 9401 Data de inscrição : 16/08/2015 Idade : 43 Localização : A Norte, ainda a Norte...
| Assunto: Re: MM vs. MI vs. MC Qua Fev 12 2020, 09:17 | |
| Dear Manfred The animation works well, but what would work really well was a set of three cartridges (one of each type) for experiments at home. We have to put our dear Administrators to work on the case. | |
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Ghost4u Membro AAP
Mensagens : 14419 Data de inscrição : 13/07/2010 Localização : Ilhéu Chão
| Assunto: Re: MM vs. MI vs. MC Qua Fev 12 2020, 11:29 | |
| A meu ver, apesar dos bonecos demonstrativos do funcionamento de cada uma das tipologia, prevalece o desempenho que mais agrada ao ouvinte. Como exemplo, na Goldring, no âmbito de células MM em que existem duas gamas, prefiro a gama E ao invés da clássica 1000. | |
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antpaubarcar Membro AAP
Mensagens : 1001 Data de inscrição : 20/12/2013
| Assunto: Re: MM vs. MI vs. MC Qua Fev 12 2020, 16:20 | |
| Como diz o outro ''bisto é uma coisa oubisto e outra'' | |
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reirato Membro AAP
Mensagens : 3642 Data de inscrição : 08/11/2010 Idade : 80 Localização : Stª Maria de Belém, Lisboa
| Assunto: Re: MM vs. MI vs. MC Qua Fev 12 2020, 20:40 | |
| Not to mention the so much esoteric ones, that mysterious "STRAIN GAUGE CARTS" very much explored by Panasonic and Technics on his glorious days and reborn now by the hands of American SOUNDSMITH but that ones at an astronomical preie tag, none cart for less than four figures price tag!... As a curiosity they don´t need/use any phono stage other than its individuall power supply. [quote="José Miguel … … ... The animation works well, but what would work really well was a set of three cartridges (one of each type) for experiments at home. … … ... [/quote] Dear José in case you would like to experiment such a strange thing I have in my cave several Panasonic and Technics paired with the due psu´s.About these Soundsmith´s Sorry for the inconvenience, I haven´t… | |
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mannitheear Membro AAP
Mensagens : 1392 Data de inscrição : 01/08/2013
| Assunto: Re: MM vs. MI vs. MC Qui Fev 13 2020, 07:53 | |
| Hi reirato, thanks for mentioning the strain gauge cartridge! Another rare principle is the optical cartridge: https://www.ds-audio-w.biz/optical-cartridge-basicprinciple/ | |
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José Miguel Membro AAP
Mensagens : 9401 Data de inscrição : 16/08/2015 Idade : 43 Localização : A Norte, ainda a Norte...
| Assunto: Re: MM vs. MI vs. MC Qui Fev 13 2020, 11:34 | |
| - reirato escreveu:
[quote="José Miguel … … ... The animation works well, but what would work really well was a set of three cartridges (one of each type) for experiments at home. … … ... Meu caro Reirato, tem tantas coisas boas nas gavetas e móveis, que passaria um ou mais dias divertido. Se a isto juntarmos dois dedos de conversa e uns belos petiscos... Ui!! | |
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reirato Membro AAP
Mensagens : 3642 Data de inscrição : 08/11/2010 Idade : 80 Localização : Stª Maria de Belém, Lisboa
| Assunto: Re: MM vs. MI vs. MC Qui Fev 13 2020, 12:18 | |
| hi Manny, good share about these novel sonic babies!! That site you mentioned is very educational + interesting!! But figure out their frightening prices from the local distributor, I need to sell the house!?… http://ultimate-audio.eu/wp-content/uploads/Preço-Maio-2019.pdf | |
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| Assunto: Re: MM vs. MI vs. MC | |
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| MM vs. MI vs. MC | |