Fórum para a preservação e divulgação do áudio analógico, e não só... |
Fórum para a preservação e divulgação do áudio analógico, e não só... |
| Tribunal das escutas! | |
+11analog_sa Alexandre Vieira Mr Bojangles ricardo onga-ku António José da Silva Goansipife mannitheear Evan Oliveira José Miguel Pmoura43 TD124 15 participantes | |
Autor | Mensagem |
mannitheear Membro AAP
Mensagens : 1392 Data de inscrição : 01/08/2013
| Assunto: Re: Tribunal das escutas! Ter Dez 04 2018, 09:06 | |
| - TD124 escreveu:
- reirato escreveu:
Sure!... ... The A2 outputs 100mW/600ohms or 150mW/32ohms ... so its not what i would call a powerfull CanAmp, cos isn't able to drive well many Planar's! But i guess he is tailored for Beyer's, and that's a good thing...
When I read the reviews and posts about the T1 on diverse canamps the tendency was that it has very good definition but a bit lean with exaggerated highs. But the folks who paired it with an A2 reported a bit different character and got neutral / fullbodied sound and smooth treble. i don't want to write a review in depth but the pairing with enFase fits perfectly for me and goes a bit in the A2 direction. The bass is natural, articulate and goes very deep, the body is rich and full and the treble airy and smooth. I hear nuances in the music and details I bever heard before like humming of recording equipment, backround noises of the recording venue, breathing of musicians, pedal mechanics of piano and so on, which gives a very natural and human touch to the music. The T1 / enFase allows to listen very deep into the recording mix but in a relaxed way and not "into the face". Yes it's still not exactly a cheap headphone but the street price is way below the former list price of 1.199 €. | |
| | | mannitheear Membro AAP
Mensagens : 1392 Data de inscrição : 01/08/2013
| Assunto: Re: Tribunal das escutas! Ter Dez 04 2018, 09:26 | |
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| | | TD124 Membro AAP
Mensagens : 8270 Data de inscrição : 07/07/2010 Idade : 59 Localização : França
| Assunto: Re: Tribunal das escutas! Ter Dez 04 2018, 14:47 | |
| - mannitheear escreveu:
- ... i don't want to write a review in depth but the pairing with enFase fits perfectly for me and goes a bit in the A2 direction. The bass is natural, articulate and goes very deep, the body is rich and full and the treble airy and smooth. I hear nuances in the music and details I bever heard before like humming of recording equipment, backround noises of the recording venue, breathing of musicians, pedal mechanics of piano and so on, which gives a very natural and human touch to the music. The T1 / enFase allows to listen very deep into the recording mix but in a relaxed way and not "into the face". ...
In this topic what we want is fully reviews and the most objective possible!... Coupled with a 600ohms Can enFase is in his own territory ... he is even more powerfull than a A2 in these conditions, cos he is a SE class A output. But, to get music "in face" is necessery more power ... cos, we get "music in face" when amps are more powerfull than speaker needs, its a form of controled "Disequilibrium" !!!... Notwithstanding, you are in a form of "disequilibrium" (intellectually speaking), since enFase and a T1 are different audiophile gear. One is built to be a showcase of a brand, and the other is built to be an emphatic partner ... even if they paired well or very well, there are conceptual differences...Audio is a world in movement, and sometimes people forgives that, cos each question have is own answer. I've created enFase to be a serious partner with the "big three" (DTXXX, K7XX, HD6XX), not to be the universal all round CanAmp ... and this means that with another Can, maybe he isn't the best choice. I have three CanAmps and seven Cans ... and i need all of them to listen, simply because each of my Cans have different needs. An universal CanAmp is certainly a need for me, but if it was to use only the "big three" the enFase will be heaven... So, live in the present with an eye on the future is a very difficult position on audio !!!... - mannitheear escreveu:
- ... Now I think this topic should return back to Portuguese!
We have travelled in all oceans and found by sea all continents ... if we aren't able to make an effort to speak in another language, we will offense our ancestors! Don't worry, everybody is following and if they have something to say ... it will be made. After all, for the portuguese world is their home ... and i feel it like that, so any language is ours also !!! Biz Man | |
| | | TD124 Membro AAP
Mensagens : 8270 Data de inscrição : 07/07/2010 Idade : 59 Localização : França
| | | | mannitheear Membro AAP
Mensagens : 1392 Data de inscrição : 01/08/2013
| Assunto: Re: Tribunal das escutas! Ter Dez 04 2018, 15:22 | |
| - TD124 escreveu:
- mannitheear escreveu:
- ... i don't want to write a review in depth but the pairing with enFase fits perfectly for me and goes a bit in the A2 direction. The bass is natural, articulate and goes very deep, the body is rich and full and the treble airy and smooth. I hear nuances in the music and details I bever heard before like humming of recording equipment, backround noises of the recording venue, breathing of musicians, pedal mechanics of piano and so on, which gives a very natural and human touch to the music. The T1 / enFase allows to listen very deep into the recording mix but in a relaxed way and not "into the face". ...
In this topic what we want is fully reviews and the most objective possible!... Coupled with a 600ohms Can enFase is in his own territory ... he is even more powerfull than a A2 in these conditions, cos he is a SE class A output. But, to get music "in face" is necessery more power ... cos, we get "music in face" when amps are more powerfull than speaker needs, its a form of controled "Disequilibrium" !!!... Notwithstanding, you are in a form of "disequilibrium" (intellectually speaking), since enFase and a T1 are different audiophile gear. One is built to be a showcase of a brand, and the other is built to be an emphatic partner ... even if they paired well or very well, there are conceptual differences...
Audio is a world in movement, and sometimes people forgives that, cos each question have is own answer. I've created enFase to be a serious partner with the "big three" (DTXXX, K7XX, HD6XX), not to be the universal all round CanAmp ... and this means that with another Can, maybe he isn't the best choice. I have three CanAmps and seven Cans ... and i need all of them to listen, simply because each of my Cans have different needs. An universal CanAmp is certainly a need for me, but if it was to use only the "big three" the enFase will be heaven...
So, live in the present with an eye on the future is a very difficult position on audio !!!...
- mannitheear escreveu:
- ... Now I think this topic should return back to Portuguese!
We have travelled in all oceans and found by sea all continents ... if we aren't able to make an effort to speak in another language, we will offense our ancestors! Don't worry, everybody is following and if they have something to say ... it will be made. After all, for the portuguese world is their home ... and i feel it like that, so any language is ours also !!!
Biz Man Dear Paulo, you're confusing me here seriously! enFase - DT880 = "heaven" enFase - T1 = "disequilibrium", " is necessery more power" Speaking about power: technically spoken the T1 is much more sensitive than the DT 880! So, of the enFase drives DT880, it can easily drive T1, and does it. I understand that you see here a conceptual disequlibrium, but I'm a simple mind and pragmatic. I try what I think could work and see if it does. As a professional I see that you need 3 canamps and 7 cans. Only on such a base you can do full justice to a can or canamp. But, I'm music lover and such a variety would distract me completely! Until last week I had 4 cans (HD580J, K701, DT880, ATH-R70x) and listened 50% to DT880 (intellectual) and 50% to R70x (casual, recreational and portable as it works quite well also with ifi or direct on the V20 phone). Since the Stax and T1 arrived I use for listening 100% T1 and have no complaints. But you're right: "live in the present with an eye on the future ". So I enjoy what I have and wait of the things to come, maybe a "big" enFase. You know, I had many years ago 3 top headphone setups. K1000, Stax Gamma Pro with SRM-1/MK2 and HD 580 Jubilee with Brocksieper Earmax OTL. Each got about 1/3 of the listening time. Then I did listen less and less with cans and sold all the gear, except the HD580. Years later came the enFase and it was easily better than what I had before, I was happy! - Until you brought me to the DT880. Listening the DT880 spoiled me completely for the HD580 and I could no longer listen to it! But for me DT880 is very good but not exactly heaven. So I needed a new complementary can and found it - the R70x. But now, with the T1 I don't see currently the need for any complementary phone. And I see daily the outcome of a search for more and better in the german forums. It's unbelievable how some maniac people buy one can after the other in the 1000 - 5000 price range, and sell them (with loss...) a few months later. Abyss, Stax 009, Hifiman, Focal Clear, Audeze seem not to satisfy the needs of these people. Meze Empyrian is now the next on the hype list! What the hell is wrong there??? Biz! Manfred | |
| | | TD124 Membro AAP
Mensagens : 8270 Data de inscrição : 07/07/2010 Idade : 59 Localização : França
| Assunto: Re: Tribunal das escutas! Ter Dez 04 2018, 16:34 | |
| - mannitheear escreveu:
- ... you're confusing me here seriously!
enFase - DT880 = "heaven" enFase - T1 = "disequilibrium", " is necessery more power"
Speaking about power: technically spoken the T1 is much more sensitive than the DT 880! So, of the enFase drives DT880, it can easily drive T1, and does it.
I understand that you see here a conceptual disequlibrium, but I'm a simple mind and pragmatic. I try what I think could work and see if it does. ... I'm in my way a simple mind and pragmatic also, since i still believe in the "old hierarchy" wich says that a 3x times price gear, works 3x better!!! I've never heard T1 with enFase (only heard first T1 with A1) so i assume that is a Can "far beyond" enFase status ... but i may be wrong!!! My word "disequilibrium" was only in that sense and without knowing the results. Yesterday Jeff call me cos he bought an Oppo Planar Can in a forum for 130€!!!... and he was surprised how good it works with the enFase ... i was surprised also to ear this!!!... So, it was just an intellectual point of view ... not a real one, since i've never heard enFase with BIG CANS (read expensive)!!! But if he works well, its Ok for me ... i'll rise the prices and there's no more dilemma - mannitheear escreveu:
- ... Until you brought me to the DT880. Listening the DT880 spoiled me completely for the HD580 and I could no longer listen to it! But for me DT880 is very good but not exactly heaven. So I needed a new complementary can and found it - the R70x.
But now, with the T1 I don't see currently the need for any complementary phone. ... That's marvelous and a real "music lover" attitude! I prefer one "killer setup" than threee that are just good ... and many people think the same. The only "but" is that audio is always in movement, and new Cans appear that my make us doubt!... i prefer to be prepared to that cos CanWorld is boiling actually !!!... - mannitheear escreveu:
- ... It's unbelievable how some maniac people buy one can after the other in the 1000 - 5000 price range, and sell them (with loss...) a few months later. Abyss, Stax 009, Hifiman, Focal Clear, Audeze seem not to satisfy the needs of these people. Meze Empyrian is now the next on the hype list! What the hell is wrong there???...
I'll tell you what's wrong ... many people think that a different Can (or other gear) is better simply because different, and after a week, or month they realise that its only "different and not better"!!! Actually i have two guys who call me to buy my old "MDR2000" and they make bids 4x times the price i've payed in the 2000's (210€). I don't want to sell him, and i even find crazy that people whant to give me the price of a Focal Elear for an old Sony!!! But Can market is the most "hipster" market actually in the HiFi ... a lot worst than vinyl with the cartridges, TT's or tonearms. I refuse most of the people who contact me for Tube CanAmps, Can mods or Can cables ... since i see in their words at what point is just a "hipster" game. Its just the pleasure of having something different, and not something really good ... cos they're going to change twice in two months their setup!!!... Strange indeed ... | |
| | | TD124 Membro AAP
Mensagens : 8270 Data de inscrição : 07/07/2010 Idade : 59 Localização : França
| Assunto: Re: Tribunal das escutas! Ter Dez 04 2018, 16:58 | |
| - mannitheear escreveu:
- ... It's unbelievable how some maniac people buy one can after the other in the 1000 - 5000 price range, and sell them (with loss...) a few months later. Abyss, Stax 009, Hifiman, Focal Clear, Audeze seem not to satisfy the needs of these people. Meze Empyrian is now the next on the hype list! ...
Last but not least ... we should say the truth without shortcuts! Since the BIG and iconic MDR-R10 from Sony, there's few improvements on Cans. There is a real progress on definition, dynamic and speed but without revolution. Beyer is working good cos they improve their own technology ... but the other brands are just making business. Or when you make business is like a lottery, since you may loose or get the jackpot. The "big three" are the jackpot since for few money you can get lots of music* ... but is necessary to do better in "all aspects" to rise the level. Or, if i compare wich one of the "big three" with modern Cans like (Abyss, Stax, Hifiman, Focal, Audioquest, Denon, Pioneer, Sony, Audeze ...) i find better things but worst also ... at many times the price. Its not the play and it becomes a joke * I've heard a Senn HD600 with an OTL ( in the style of Bottlehead Crack) and i found it awesome for an honest price! Face to that, people with Audeze's, Oppo's, Focal's and Abyss'es, may have some doubts! It's not normal | |
| | | mannitheear Membro AAP
Mensagens : 1392 Data de inscrição : 01/08/2013
| Assunto: Re: Tribunal das escutas! Qua Dez 05 2018, 07:41 | |
| - TD124 escreveu:
I'm in my way a simple mind and pragmatic also, since i still believe in the "old hierarchy" wich says that a 3x times price gear, works 3x better!!! I've never heard T1 with enFase (only heard first T1 with A1) so i assume that is a Can "far beyond" enFase status ... What was your impression of the T1 with A1? The list price for T1 is currently 1000 € and 200 € for the DT880. This makes a relation of 1:5, but if we taker actual real prices, it's more 1:4. Is the T1 now four times better than the DT 880? Surely not, but I would say that the difference between DT880 and T1 is comparable with the difference between very good vinyl playback and the analogue master tape. Then we must consider that in the current overcooked headphone market the T1 is mid-fi at the most. Biz | |
| | | TD124 Membro AAP
Mensagens : 8270 Data de inscrição : 07/07/2010 Idade : 59 Localização : França
| Assunto: Re: Tribunal das escutas! Qua Dez 05 2018, 08:53 | |
| - mannitheear escreveu:
- ... What was your impression of the T1 with A1?
... Then we must consider that in the current overcooked headphone market the T1 is mid-fi at the most. ... The listening was made 6/7 years ago but i'm reading my listen notes at the time and i've been impressed. I found the sound a bit mellow with the A1 but with much more energy coupled with the Talisman T3H. "Very subtle and detailed with great harmonic nuances..." i've wrote at the time, thinking that Beyerdynamic wanted to stop their reputation of clear sound ... almost brilliant sometimes!!!... I agree that in the actual Can world ... T1 is a mid-fi product by the price, but when i see their drivers in comparision with others i think that T1 is a technical Hi-End product at a mid-fi price. Very honest indeed | |
| | | reirato Membro AAP
Mensagens : 3642 Data de inscrição : 08/11/2010 Idade : 80 Localização : Stª Maria de Belém, Lisboa
| Assunto: Re: Tribunal das escutas! Qua Dez 05 2018, 13:32 | |
| Any thoughts or advice on these much cheaper amp/dac Apogee Groove ... - ESS Sabre DAC - Constant Current Drive provides smooth frequency response with any headphones - Max. Output level: 225 mW 30 Ohm, 40 mW 600 OhmRetailing for 200,0€ (street price) | |
| | | mannitheear Membro AAP
Mensagens : 1392 Data de inscrição : 01/08/2013
| Assunto: Re: Tribunal das escutas! Qua Abr 24 2019, 14:19 | |
| - mannitheear escreveu:
- TD124 escreveu:
I'm in my way a simple mind and pragmatic also, since i still believe in the "old hierarchy" wich says that a 3x times price gear, works 3x better!!! I've never heard T1 with enFase (only heard first T1 with A1) so i assume that is a Can "far beyond" enFase status ... What was your impression of the T1 with A1?
The list price for T1 is currently 1000 € and 200 € for the DT880. This makes a relation of 1:5, but if we taker actual real prices, it's more 1:4. Is the T1 now four times better than the DT 880? Surely not, but I would say that the difference between DT880 and T1 is comparable with the difference between very good vinyl playback and the analogue master tape.
Then we must consider that in the current overcooked headphone market the T1 is mid-fi at the most.
After some months with the T1 I must confess that it isn't a replacement for the DT880. The DT880 is still unbeatable with baroque music and piano...but it's too lean for being really a allround can (more "marathon" than "decathlethe" body). But then, is the transparency with baroque music and piano because of the lean character??? Is the DT880 even colored, then???? This can thing is very strange and much more confusing than a speaker system! And addictive - be extremely cautious!!!! A friend here had only a HD600 for casual listening until the end of 2017. But then listened more and more with cans because he has a little kid and then bought the first (used) Stax set, I believe a Lambda Signature and SRM-T1 valve amp. Now, a good year later about 4 amplifiers and 10+ Stax cans later (plus the HE-60) he arrived finally at the 009 Black with aftermarket amp...and seems quite happy now. On the other hand: On his journey he sold me an old Lambda Normal with SRD-7 SB for 60 € with cable issue. i fixed that cable and modded slightly the transformer unit with bypassing all unnecessary switches. Every time I listen to this combo I ask me: the progress in headphones is exactly what???? | |
| | | TD124 Membro AAP
Mensagens : 8270 Data de inscrição : 07/07/2010 Idade : 59 Localização : França
| Assunto: Re: Tribunal das escutas! Qua Abr 24 2019, 15:31 | |
| - mannitheear escreveu:
- … After some months with the T1 I must confess that it isn't a replacement for the DT880. The DT880 is still unbeatable with baroque music and piano...
... This can thing is very strange and much more confusing than a speaker system! ... On his journey he sold me an old Lambda Normal with SRD-7 SB for 60 € with cable issue. i fixed that cable and modded slightly the transformer unit with bypassing all unnecessary switches. Every time I listen to this combo I ask me: the progress in headphones is exactly what???? Very good question … indeed we can ask the same thing for global audio and not only for cans! The response is easy if we're speaking about hifi … and a non sense if we speak about taste (audio)!!!... At the moment i write these lines i'm listening the AKG Q701 and yesterday listened all day with DT880! I have also among other cans a Sony MDR CD2000 that i've paid near 210€ (400€ stockprice) in 2003 … it was with CD3000 the little brothers of "The King"!!! Actually when i listen with him i have a smile of condescension, because he have been a great can 15 years ago and i had a lot of pleasure with him … but today he is a "modern vintage". In comparasion with Q701 or DT880 he is muddy, opaque, warm and dark side. He was expensive at the time, more than a HD580 or 600 and belong to the "biocellulose" family, but today he is surpassed in all domains by modest (in price) cans like those i'm speaking! That's an evolution and a clear one !!!... At the same time many friends want to buy me these cans since they have a sound not found anymore, organic, felty and very elegant … in this point of view the evolution doesn't exist !!!... The progress in Hifi is real and no one can deny that … but the progress on "reproduced music" depends of each one taste. That's another story !!!... Biz Man | |
| | | mannitheear Membro AAP
Mensagens : 1392 Data de inscrição : 01/08/2013
| Assunto: Re: Tribunal das escutas! Ter Jul 23 2019, 14:01 | |
| beyerdynamic DT-1990 " /> Will it be the perfect middle between DT880 and T1? Time will tell... | |
| | | TD124 Membro AAP
Mensagens : 8270 Data de inscrição : 07/07/2010 Idade : 59 Localização : França
| Assunto: Re: Tribunal das escutas! Qua Jul 24 2019, 00:09 | |
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| | | mannitheear Membro AAP
Mensagens : 1392 Data de inscrição : 01/08/2013
| Assunto: Re: Tribunal das escutas! Qua Jul 24 2019, 06:35 | |
| This will be the last one! The DT1990 is used but only 6 months old and in perfect condition, so its yet burned in. At the price I could not resist... I did not get the DT1990 out of my mind since I heard it in the shop. But here it sounds different. I find it very difficult to compary cans, so it will take a little time. But the first auditions are very to my liking with very different genres of music: fast, transparent, balanced, good stage and resolution and a firm and deep bass. The amount of bass can be tuned with the 2 included sets of earpads. Biz | |
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| Assunto: Re: Tribunal das escutas! | |
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