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 Cheap Reference: Lapp speaker cable (DIY)

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2 participantes
Membro AAP

Mensagens : 1392
Data de inscrição : 01/08/2013

Cheap Reference: Lapp speaker cable (DIY) Empty
MensagemAssunto: Cheap Reference: Lapp speaker cable (DIY)   Cheap Reference: Lapp speaker cable (DIY) EmptySex Out 19 2018, 13:29

This is a tipp from German Kellerkind Forum - a impressive sounding and massive looking bi-wire speaker cable.

You need:

  • Lapp Ölflex 110 4G6 VDE 7090 (unshielded) in the desired length, one run per side.
  • BE CU Bananas (12 pcs. for single-wire amp-side and bi-wire speaker side)
  • shrink tube approx 20mm and 10mm (before shrinking)
  • fabric tube 17mm (ViaBlue or similar)
  • soldering iron which can handle 12mm2 cable

Assembling advice (c) by Micromara
Pull off the PVC sheath approx. 20 cm on each side, the inner insulation of the 4 cores is different in colour so take the opponent cores for phase respectively ground. (Note: for the circular terminal of my Tannoys I wanted a bit more freedom and pulled off the PVC sheath approx. 30 cm speaker-side). Strip approx. 1,5 cm from insulation at the speaker side and assign each core to ground / phase accordingly. Solder the cable ends on the LS side with Be-CU hollow bananas and shrink tubing over them. Strip approx. 2 cm from insulation at the Amp side and combine then 2 x 6 mm2 each to 1 wire a 12 mm2 - each for ground and phase.  Solder the cable ends on the amp side and connect them with Be-CU hollow bananas and shrink tubing over them (alternatively: Sinnoxx BE CU screwable banana plugs). You have to taper it a bit because the BE Cu can only hold 8-10mm2. Then pull the fabric hose ( important !!!) up to 17mm over the PVC jacket and fit the hose ends with shrink tubing.

Impressive and massive, true high end!

The sound is detailed, open, organic, natural and coherent. The cable needs a serious burn-in of up to 200 h before it will show it's full potential.

I look for fast, open, detailed and transparent sound and used DNM and other solid core cables for a long time. Therefore I hesitated building this cable because I assumed it would sound fat, slow and lacking transparency because of the cheap material and fat diameter. I was wrong.
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 269
Data de inscrição : 04/05/2017
Localização : Cascais

Cheap Reference: Lapp speaker cable (DIY) Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Cheap Reference: Lapp speaker cable (DIY)   Cheap Reference: Lapp speaker cable (DIY) EmptySex Out 19 2018, 14:25

Thanks for sharing!

Interesting and inexplicable.

No special conductors. no special dielectrics, no special geometry. Just very thick.

So, why does it sound good?
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Cheap Reference: Lapp speaker cable (DIY)
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