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Áudio Analógico de Portugal
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 Entrevista com Peter Qvortrup (Audio Note UK)

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2 participantes
ricardo onga-ku
Membro AAP
ricardo onga-ku

Mensagens : 6017
Data de inscrição : 02/01/2012
Localização : Terra d'Anglos...e Saxões

Entrevista com Peter Qvortrup (Audio Note UK) Empty
MensagemAssunto: Entrevista com Peter Qvortrup (Audio Note UK)   Entrevista com Peter Qvortrup (Audio Note UK) EmptyQui Fev 22 2018, 10:40

As entrevistas do PQ têm sempre uma componente comercialoide, com o dito a "empurrar a sua agenda" mas alguns dos pontos abordados são muito válidos.

Peter Qvortrup: High Fidelity, the Decline of the Decades

Since the dawn of time music has played an important part in human life, whether at the top or bottom of society, people have participated, and listened to music in its many forms as it has developed through countless generations to the present day.

Instruments have developed to allow increasingly complex, and expressive music forms until the peak was reached sometime in the latter part of the 19th century, coinciding with Thomas Alva Edison’s invention of recorded sound. Before successfully inventing recorded sound, Edison must have arrived at a fundamental realization that sound can be entirely characterized in two dimensions.  His first cylindrical recording was nothing more than a rough approximation of the changes in amplitude pressure (caused by the modulation of his voice), plotted against a constant time base (generated by the steady turning of a crank).  Crude as his technique may have been, sound was recorded, and recognizably produced for the first time in history.

The limiting factor in Edison’s first experience was not his idea, but his hardware; further improvements could only come from refinements in technique.

So here we are, just over 120 years after the invention of sound recording, and how much further have we really got?

continua aqui -> https://parttimeaudiophile.com/2018/01/25/peter-qvortrup-high-fidelity-the-decline-of-the-decades/
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Membro AAP

Mensagens : 269
Data de inscrição : 04/05/2017
Localização : Cascais

Entrevista com Peter Qvortrup (Audio Note UK) Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Entrevista com Peter Qvortrup (Audio Note UK)   Entrevista com Peter Qvortrup (Audio Note UK) EmptyQui Fev 22 2018, 11:24

Do not see myself as an AN fan, but agree with every single word of Mr Qvortrup's rant.
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Entrevista com Peter Qvortrup (Audio Note UK)
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